Your Weekly Horoscope for October 6 to 12, 2024


Romance and personal revelations are the highlights in your weekly horoscope for October 6 to 12, 2024. The week starts out with an unusually romantic and passionate alignment of Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer, encouraging emotional vulnerability and turning up the heat in your romantic relationships. This is a lovely time to make progress on a creative project or to just have some hot sex (if you’re feelin’ it). On the same day, Mercury in Libra links up with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing lucky news your way. Mercury, the planet of communication, meets with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom. Together, you’re able to come up with solutions, or you may uncover a new idea you want to follow through on.

Later in the day, Mercury in Libra stares down wounded healer Chiron in Aries. This opposition in the sky highlights your limiting beliefs and puts a spotlight on your past pain. Reflecting on your healing journey and the work that still is yet to come can lead to revelations. You’re also able to process and understand some of your own past traumas and triggers with a new perspective. Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and growth, goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. You’re reconsidering some of your goals, your beliefs, and experiencing a perspective shift.

You can also kiss eclipse season goodbye a few days later on October 10, thanks to the first quarter moon in Capricorn. This brings you back to the new moon solar eclipse in Libra that took place on October 2. First quarter moons are all about taking action, especially when they occur in cardinal signs like Libra and Capricorn. It’s time to put a plan into motion or make a decision.

Pluto retrograde ends in Capricorn on October 11, marking one of the most pivotal moments during Pluto’s final tour through Capricorn. Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on November 19, leaving Capricorn for the rest of our lifetimes (!). This will bring you back to May 2, when Pluto’s retrograde journey began. How has your relationship with power, control, surrender, and some of your fears and insecurities evolved since then? It’s time to reclaim your power, face some fears, and experience a cathartic transformation in the process.

The week wraps up with Chiron in Aries syncing up with Jupiter in Gemini on October 12. This might feel like a moment of integration regarding your healing journey. You’re not responding and reacting to your triggers in the same way you once did—rather, you’ve learned to give yourself compassion and are growing from them. This is a moment to be proud of your own growth and evolution.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full October 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from October 6-12, 2024

  • Sunday, October 6: Moon enters Sagittarius
  • Tuesday, October 8: Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer
  • Tuesday, October 8: Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini
  • Tuesday, October 8: Mercury in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries
  • Wednesday, October 9: Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini
  • Wednesday, October 9: Moon enters Capricorn
  • Thursday, October 10: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn
  • Friday, October 11: Moon enters Aquarius
  • Friday, October 11: Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Ends
  • Saturday, October 12: Chiron in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re feeling safe to explore new levels of intimacy with someone important in your life, Aries, when Venus in Scorpio connects with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This is a powerful day for strengthening your bonds, sharing secrets, and growing closer with your loved ones. You’re feeling supported by the people who show up for you when you need them most and accept all parts of yourself—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Perspective shifts are on the menu once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. You’re learning news or having discussions that help you see a situation under a new light. You may also return to a subject you want to study, or to an idea you had wanted to pursue but had stepped away from. Your mind is also more malleable, and this is a productive time to change the way you speak to yourself.

It’s time to kick your fear of taking up space to the curb when Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. You deserve to celebrate how far you’ve come, and how hard you worked to get here. Embrace the recognition that comes your way, and resist the urge to play down any of your accomplishments.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

There’s no shortage of creativity and passion on tap for you, Taurus, when Venus in Scorpio links up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This is a dynamic day for collaboration or working on creative projects. You may also have fun plans with a lover, receive some steamy texts, feel a rush of inspiration, or have a new idea you want to pursue.

A financial situation shifts gears once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Maybe you’re returning to an old job or thinking about alternative ways to make money and support yourself. This can also be an important moment to spend time with your budget and check in on your financial goals.

Tough conversations take place when Pluto retrograde ends in Capricorn on October 11. You could learn news that feels triggering or maybe you’re the one sharing something vulnerable that feels cathartic. You may also sign up for school or book travel that feels transformative in some way. Your perspective can shift today, and while leaving your comfort zone can feel temporarily destabilizing, in the long run, it will push you in a new, more aligned direction.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re feeling motivated, Gemini, when Venus in Scorpio syncs up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This is a great day to cross things off your to-do list, to make progress on job hunting, and to regain confidence in your gifts and skills. You’re also feeling more in flow and like you have a daily routine down that’s supportive of the life you want to live.

It’s time to put yourself first when Jupiter, in your sign, goes retrograde on October 9. You’re considering who and what is most important for you. Maybe you’re ready to focus on a different personal goal or to advocate for yourself in a relationship. There is no shortage of ah-hah moments today.

You’re facing some of your fears and deepest insecurities head-on when Pluto retrograde in Capricorn ends on October 11. There’s no doubt that this can stir up some of the feelings you’ve been avoiding. In giving yourself space and time to truly feel what you’ve ignored, you can find healing and freedom. You may also need to confront unhealthy power dynamics in your working or personal relationships.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

You’re magnetic, Cancer, thanks to Mars, in your sign, teaming up with Venus in Scorpio on October 8. You’re hot, and everyone knows it! This can be a lucky time for dating, learning exciting news, or even going viral. People can’t seem to get enough of you, so it’s worth your while to take a risk and go after who and what you want.

You’re fighting off temptation once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. An old habit you’ve tried to kick may try to lure you back into its clutches. You could move through feelings of grief or heaviness as you’re closing out a cycle and, because of this, you may want to pick up an old vice. Do your best to create space for yourself and spend time alone to process any big feelings that pop up.

Your relationships experience a turning point when Pluto retrograde in Capricorn ends on October 11. Unspoken feelings of jealousy, control, or obsession can pop up as a sort of final boss. But you may also experience new, profound levels of depth and connection with someone you care for deeply.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

There’s nothing you appreciate more than some solitude, Leo, when Venus in Scorpio teams up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. Cozying up in bed and throwing on a guided meditation is the most productive thing you can do today. It’s time to drown out the noise so you can reconnect with your inner voice. Intuitive downloads are easy to come by today when you prioritize rest and listening to your body.

You’re ready to focus on a different goal when Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. A new aspiration catches your attention, and you’re wondering what steps may be necessary to chase after this dream. It’s also possible you’re changing your mind about a current goal you’ve been working toward—maybe it’s not as fulfilling as it once seemed?

Your day-to-day life is under construction once Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. You can kick bad habits or make significant changes to your daily routine, like working 9-to-5 in an office to suddenly working remote full-time. You may also need to set strong boundaries or address a challenging commitment that’s left you feeling stressed, underappreciated, or exhausted in the past.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

Your creative mind is on fire, Virgo, when Venus in Scorpio meets with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This is a great day to grab some of your closest friends and discuss all of your dreams and bounce ideas off of each other. Lots of inspiring conversations take place, or perhaps you’re making progress on a long-term goal. You may also be ready to put a plan into action.

It’s time to change up your goals and pursue another path or opportunity once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Maybe your current job doesn’t feel aligned anymore, or you’re considering going back to school, or teaching, or mentoring people in your field of work. When it comes to your long-term goals, you’re reflecting on if they truly feel meaningful and fulfilling for you, or if they’re dreams other people have for you.

Your self-expression sets you free when Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. This is a powerful time to be honest with yourself about who and what you desire and how you want to spend your free time. You may want to try out a hobby that others don’t quite understand, or maybe you’re sharing more of your vulnerable side in a social media post or with a creative collaborator. If you’re in a situationship, it may be time to cut ties once and for all.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You’re feeling confident, Libra, thanks to Venus in Scorpio mingling with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This can also be a great day for your finances: Maybe you learn about a new work opportunity or receive a direct deposit earlier than expected. You’re also standing out for your talents and gifts, and people are paying your compliments.

Try taking other people’s thoughts and opinions into consideration once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Information you learn today can feel game-changing and open your mind up to other possibilities and perspectives. This may be an important moment to acknowledge that you don’t have all of the answers (none of us do!), but that embracing a beginner’s mindset and allowing yourself to be a student of the Universe can lead you to some important revelations and new ideas.

The past isn’t haunting you—it’s trying to give you an opportunity to heal when Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. You may notice that old family baggage and drama resurfaces. This can feel like a make-it-or-break-it moment and is an opportunity to break cycles and patterns that run through your lineage that you don’t want to carry into your future.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

Conversations go your way, Scorpio, when Venus—in your sign—links up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. Others are drawn to your ideas and want to support you. This can also be a lively time to plan travel, take a risk, or decide to sign up for a class you’ve always wanted to take. You’re feeling flirty and adventurous so put yourself out there and watch the blessings show up when you choose to leave your comfort zone.

Unexpected feelings of grief may resurface when you least expect it once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Some feelings you thought you’d processed might come up again and, although this can feel triggering, allowing yourself to feel what’s coming up for you can ultimately help you alchemize past pain.

It’s time to share your truth, even if it pisses other people off when Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. Speaking your mind will set you free and there may be conversations you need to have that address toxic dynamics, some of your fears, or require you to set boundaries. While this doesn’t sound fun, it will help disrupt any patterns of overthinking and feel empowering.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

Your intuition is your compass, Sagittarius, when Venus in Scorpio teams up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This is a healthy day to engage in spiritual practices that feel rejuvenating. Consider booking a massage (or asking a consenting friend or roommate to trade massages) or try a guided breathwork session online to regulate your nervous system. Spending time alone today can not only recharge your batteries, but also give you a wave of creative insight and inspiration.

Your relationships are subject to change once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. You’re understanding your dynamic with a new perspective. Some may choose to stop investing so much time and effort in relationships that don’t feel reciprocal and others may double down and recommit to making it work.

There’s no room for a scarcity mindset when Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. You may realize that money comes and goes and there’s no use in tying your worth to your bank account. Transformative job opportunities can pop up, but you can also set yourself free from financial worries by cultivating a daily gratitude practice.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re grateful for the people you surround yourself with, Capricorn, when Venus in Scorpio syncs up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. Today, you can get by with a little help from your friends and your community. This is a wonderful day to ask for support. Others are willing to show up when you need them most. There’s also extra luck in the sky for singles to meet someone with major potential through friends, a networking event, or online dating.

You may need to walk away from a commitment or obligation that’s zapping your energy and spirit once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. If you’ve taken on too much and are burning the candle at both ends, you’ve got to make peace with the fact that you are merely mortal. There’s only so much you can take on, and you’re ready to reprioritize your commitments and free up your time to pursue what’s most meaningful to you.

You’re ready to debut a more authentic version of yourself to the world when Pluto ends its retrograde, in your sign, on October 11. There’s no room for shame or fear in your life, and you can’t deal with people-pleasing anymore. It’s time to embrace the parts of yourself you’ve kept hidden away or rejected—and when you do, the blessings and opportunities you’ve been waiting for will show up in plain sight.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Your hard work is paying off, Aquarius, and the compliments are pouring in when Venus in Scorpio connects with Mars in Cancer on October 8. You’re not always down for soaking up the spotlight, but today, you deserve the recognition that’s coming your way. You can also make progress on work projects, learn about new work opportunities, or find a solution to a problem that’s left you vexed.

You’re ready to return to a creative project from your past once Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Whether it’s starting a TikTok account focusing on your niche interest or hobby or pitching a literary agent, you’re ready to pick up where you left off with pursuing projects that light you up. You can also achieve much insight and healing by doing inner child work or by taking the time to write a letter to your inner teen.

Old habits and patterns are no match for you once Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. You’ve come to terms with the people, patterns, or situations in your life that just aren’t good for you. You’re feeling full of agency and ready to make a change—no matter how stubborn and stuck in your ways you’ve been in the past, today you’re turning a new leaf.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

Discussions are encouraging and inspiring, Pisces, when Venus in Scorpio meets up with Mars in Cancer on October 8. This can be an especially exciting time to make future plans or discuss the future with a romantic partner or to make progress on a creative goal. You may also decide to take a hobby or passion of yours and get more serious or involved by signing up for a class or workshop.

You’re caught up in the past on October 9, when Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini. Reflecting on old memories and relationships can offer profound insight into your current situation. You may also reconsider a living situation or understand a family dynamic or close, personal relationship with a new lens.

You’re connecting with influential people when Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 11. Someone in your network, or a friend’s network, could help make your dreams a reality. You’re just one connection away from a major shift. This may also be an important day to address unspoken power dynamics in some of your friendships.

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