Your Weekly Horoscope for October 13 to 19: Full of Highs, Lows, and Healing Opportunities


Your weekly horoscope for October 13 to 19, 2024 is busier than ever—and full of highs and lows. You’re feeling unsettled at the start of the week when Mercury in Libra slams into Pluto in Capricorn on October 13. This shines a light on topics, feelings, and conversations you typically prefer to leave in the shadows. This means secrets may be revealed and discussions can leave you feeling a little vulnerable. Later in the day, Mercury enters Scorpio, encouraging you to explore your darker side. You’re craving a deeper connection with those around you and more substance in your conversations. Basically, you want real talk.

Also on October 13, Mars in Cancer rams into Chiron—a planetoid that represents our deepest wounds as well as our ongoing healing journey—in Aries. This serves as a reminder that healing is an ongoing process, and there is still so much work to be done. People may be more reactive, so it’s important not to take their reactions personally. (Be gentle with yourself and others.) On the same day, Libra stares down Chiron in Aries, placing extra emphasis on your personal Chiron story. Chiron not only embodies the enduring pain we carry, but also the gifts we share with others that might be healing in their own way. This could mark an important turning point in your healing journey—maybe you’re integrating some wisdom or choosing to react differently to an old trigger.

Fortunately, the sun in Libra teams up with Jupiter in Gemini later in the day, offering a soft and supportive landing. You feel confident in your identity and proud of how far you’ve come. This alignment may also bring exciting news and developments regarding long-term goals or inspire a new idea or shift in perspective. You’re also strongly connected to your beliefs and standing up for what you believe is right.

On October 14, be on the lookout: the sun in Libra crashes into Mars in Cancer, creating tension and putting everyone in a defensive mood.  The most positive manifestation of this planetary combination offers you a boost of energy to get things done, but it can also lead to making rash decisions and being more accident-prone. You’re motivated, but remember to take your time when possible!

There’s shock and surprise in your closest connections on October 14 when Venus in Scorpio stares down Uranus in Taurus. You could run into someone unexpected today, or even have some strange interactions. You may also feel a stronger desire for independence and autonomy in your relationships. Expect the unexpected in relationships and with your finances, too. The skies calm down a bit on October 15 when Venus in Scorpio mingles with Neptune in Pisces. Your interactions with others are compassionate and healing, and you’ll feel grateful for deep connections with the important people in your life.

On October 17, there will be a full moon in Aries, reminding you that you’re the main character in your life. It’s time to put yourself and your desires first. This may encourage you to set boundaries in your close relationships. Later in the day, Venus in Scorpio connects with Pluto in Capricorn, prompting you to reflect on how your relationship patterns and dynamics have improved. Some of your closest relationships may also reach new levels of intimacy and trust. Venus, the planet of connection, enters fun-loving Sagittarius later in the day, and people are booked, busy, and flirty. This may not be the best time to lock down a lover (if you’re into it), but it can be a really fun time to explore your options.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full October 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from October 13-19, 2024

  • Sunday, October 13: Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • Sunday, October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio
  • Sunday, October 13: Moon enters Pisces
  • Sunday, October 13: Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
  • Sunday, October 13: Sun in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries
  • Sunday, October 13: Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini
  • Monday, October 14: Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer
  • Monday, October 14: Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
  • Tuesday, October 15: Moon enters Aries
  • Tuesday, October 15: Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • Thursday, October 17: Full Moon in Aries
  • Thursday, October 17: Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
  • Thursday, October 17: Venus enters Sagittarius
  • Thursday, October 17: Moon enters Taurus
  • Saturday, October 19: Moon enters Gemini


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

People are pissing you off, Aries, when Mercury in Libra rams into Pluto in Capricorn on October 13. There’s no avoiding confrontations, and why should you? This is an important time for you to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. Unspoken power dynamics in your relationships may also be more evident. Call out and disrupt any unhealthy patterns. Challenging discussions can also reveal truths and lead to vulnerable exchanges.

By October 17, you’re ready to shake off any negative vibes under the full moon. This is your yearly reset to remember that the opinion that matters most is your own. How do you feel about yourself and the life you’re living? It’s time to silence the background noise. This is an opportunity to show up more authentically and pursue who and what speaks to your heart—no matter what anyone else thinks.

Later in the day, Venus enters Sagittarius, and you’re ready to go on an adventure! This can put you in a more adventurous mood and eager to soak up life experiences and knowledge. You may feel called to go back to school or book a once-in-a-lifetime trip. When it comes to meeting new people and potential lovers, you have a higher chance if you push yourself outside of your comfort zone.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background
Your attention is on the important people in your life, Taurus, once Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. The people who matter most are on your mind and it’s also possible they’re coming to you for advice and guidance. This is also a fruitful time to discuss the future and topics regarding commitment—make sure you’re on the same page.

On October 14, when the sun in Libra slams into Mars in Cancer, your schedule might feel more overwhelming than usual. You might feel pressured to push through any obstacles or feelings of exhaustion, but that will leave you feeling more stressed and even possibly with a cold. Take your time today, set boundaries, and don’t immediately take on new commitments. You’ve got to protect your most precious resource: your time.

The full moon in Aries encourages you to let go on October 17. You may be closing a chapter, saying goodbye to a relationship, or deciding to change a pattern or behavior. Whatever it may be, this can bring up feelings of grief and loss, as you’re in the midst of the surrendering process. On the bright side: Spending time alone will strengthen your intuition. Pay attention to your gut and messages that come through your dreams.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue imagesBe extra mindful before taking on more responsibilities, Gemini, once Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. Your daily activity picks up and other people want to add more responsibilities to your plate. You could also start a new project that requires more time, effort, and dedication—longer hours at work with little to no reward. Ultimately, you know this will pay off down the road. This is also a helpful time to rework your daily routine and habits to set yourself up for success.

You’re feeling hopeful when the sun in Libra teams up with Jupiter, in your sign, later in the day. You’re in the mood to celebrate and connect with people who help put things in perspective. It’s easy to be in the present moment and to focus on everything that you’re grateful for in your life. You could also learn about an exciting opportunity, have a promising date, or learn some lucky news!

The full moon in Aries helps bring one of your dreams to life on October 17, and your aspirations feel closer to your reality than ever before. Maybe someone reaches out who’s able to connect you with the right person who can help with a goal, or perhaps one of your videos goes viral. You can gain attention easily today, so take advantage of it.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards
Here comes the lucky news you’ve been waiting for, Cancer, thanks to Mercury moving into Scorpio on October 13. You’re full of new ideas you want to pursue and your creativity is at an all-time high. You may also want to put yourself back into the dating world or spend more time with a lover. The next few weeks also bring new opportunities and blessings your way!

Did someone say family drama? You can’t avoid the tension once the sun in Libra slams into Mars, in your sign, on October 14. You may feel like you’re on the defensive, but don’t be ashamed to exert your boundaries, even with your loved ones. You may need to address simmering resentment or draw a line with someone close to you. You could also make an important decision about your living situation or feel an overwhelming need to release the past and move forward once and for all.

You’re feeling more aligned and in flow with your everyday routine once Venus enters Sagittarius on October 17. You’re crossing things off your to-do list and relieving stress in the process. You may also recognize that you can’t take on everyone’s responsibilities and that even if you want to keep helping, one of the best things you can do is prioritize self-care.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of
Reflecting on your past can help solve some problems, Leo, once Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. The next few weeks put you in a very nostalgic and sentimental mood. You could hear from people from your past—maybe you’re spending more time with family, or reconsidering what home and security feel like for you. This is a busy time in your private life and your intuition is heightened, so listen to your instincts.

Shocking events unfold in your private and public life when Venus in Scorpio stares down Uranus in Taurus on October 14. You could learn something surprising about a family member or unexpectedly receive a professional opportunity. There may also be an unearthing of your past today—prompting you to move on from old family grudges or break family cycles.

The full moon in Aries brings an important conversation to a climax on October 17. You’re not shy when it comes to sharing your beliefs and thoughts with others. Discussions can lead to perspective shifts and any ongoing conversations can reach an intriguing turning point. You may also make a decision to sign up for a class, book a trip, or land on a new idea you want to explore.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

Speak your mind, Virgo, when Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. You’re in a chattier mood and eager to discuss, debate, educate, and learn from others! Your mind is curious and you may also feel called to go back to school or learn something new. This can also be a productive time for any writing or speaking projects—give your mind something to do. You’re also in a more social mood and may have some fun events to attend over the next few weeks.

Interactions with your BFFs, siblings, or family can feel jarring or inspiring when Venus in Scorpio locks eyes with Uranus in Taurus on October 14. The stars are simply unpredictable today and you could have some breakthrough moments with loved ones or an experience that leaves you craving more space and distance. Unexpected conversations take place and you can also learn some surprising news!

You’re feeling vulnerable and emotional under the full moon in Aries on October 17. This is a powerful day for releasing the past and extending forgiveness and understanding to former versions of yourself. You may feel worn down as you’re definitely caught up in your feelings, but giving yourself the grace to do so will ultimately free up more space and spark internal healing.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

Your finances are a priority, Libra, when Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. This can be a busy time for negotiating raises and new contracts. Others are eager to collaborate with you because of your talent and gifts in your field. Practically, you may also get your finances in order and come up with new financial goals. You may also have the urge to spend and treat yourself (which you deserve!)—just make sure to spend within your budget.

The full moon in Aries shines a spotlight on your close relationships on October 17. There’s a meaningful change or evolution in an important connection in your life. Perhaps you’re discussing the future with a lover or addressing simmering resentment. This can also bring an end to a collaborative project or shine light on an issue someone you care about has been struggling with on their own. Maybe they need more of your support moving forward.

Lucky news also finds you once Venus enters Sagittarius later in the day. You might feel like you’re in the right place at the right time or that new, supportive connections are entering your life. You’re full of creative inspiration, magnetism, and luck, so taking risks now will bring you blessings. This is also an incredibly steamy time for your love life—explore your desires or perhaps get back out in the dating world.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’re the main character, Scorpio, when Mercury enters your sign on October 13. The next few weeks are all about you, so pursue your personal goals and make your needs known in relationships. You can also learn some news that affects you in a personal way or hear from important people in your life. New friendships or alliances can also form, and you’re receiving more opportunities to collaborate with others.

Expect the unexpected in your close connections when Venus, in your sign, faces off with Uranus in Taurus on October 14. You’re craving space and are so over anyone who is exhibiting clingy behavior. Some relationships or contracts may suddenly end, while others show up when you least expect them. This can also be a day where you simply want to try something new with a lover and in the mood to experiment.

The full moon in Aries brings a change to your everyday routine on October 17. If there’s a particular part of your routine that is more harmful than helpful (like doom-scrolling first thing in the morning), it may be time to kick that behavior once and for all. This energy is great for making lasting changes with your habits. It’s the small changes you make to your daily life that often lead to the biggest shifts you want.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

Your intuition is supercharged, Sagittarius, once Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. This is a powerful time for reflection. The more time you spend alone, the more you are able to see situations around you for what they really are. This can feel like an all-access pass to your subconscious. Your schedule can also pick up, leaving you feeling more exhausted. Saying no and prioritizing your rest is key over the next few weeks.

You’re feeling supported by your friends and community when the sun in Libra mingles with Jupiter in Gemini on the same day. This is a lovely day to plan a group hangout with friends or spend the day brainstorming with creative partners. Some of your surface-level friendships can grow deeper or maybe someone in your network connects you with someone important.

The full moon in Aries gives you a reason to celebrate on October 17. You’re in the mood for some fun and this is a great opportunity to focus on the present moment and celebrate the life you’re living. If you’re working on a creative project, you could reach a turning point and you may also feel called to make an important decision in your romantic life. Should you stay or should you go? This full moon may encourage you to decide!


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

It’s time to stand up for yourself, Capricorn, when Mercury in Libra rams into Pluto, in your sign, on October 13. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for (and probably avoiding)—to speak your truth even if your voice shakes. You’re ready to show up authentically and take up space. Some other people in your life might find that threatening or want you to stay exactly the same person you’ve always been, but you’re ready to evolve and transform. Follow your heart and know the people meant to be in your life will support you.

There’s tension in your close relationships the next day, on October 14, when the sun in Libra clashes into Mars in Cancer. You could be in the midst of dealing with a conflict with a boss or co-worker. It’s also possible work is draining and maybe your partner or someone else in your life is frustrated at how little time they’ve had with you recently. You may need to set some boundaries and expectations in both your personal and professional life.

You’re focused on a private matter under the full moon in Aries on October 17. There may be changes unfolding in a personal relationship—maybe you learn news about something going on in a family member’s life, or you’re making a decision regarding your living situation. This can also be a powerful time to move on from the past, severing ties with anyone or anything that makes you question your worth and desires.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Your ideas and thoughts are gaining attention and recognition, Aquarius, when Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. Maybe you’re standing out at a board meeting or ready to discuss a promotion. You’re also reflecting more on your life path and considering what feels meaningful to you. What do you want to be remembered for and what steps do you need to take to get there?

You’re shocking others with how you choose to show up in the world when Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus on October 14. You could also receive an unexpected career opportunity or maybe a job or contract ends on a whim. You can also have odd interactions with people at work or come up with solutions out of the blue! Be curious and take a risk today.

The full moon in Aries reconnects you with your voice on October 17. This is a powerful moment to speak your truth—to share your feelings with a loved one, to stand up for what you believe in, or to make a decision to learn something new. Embracing a beginner’s mindset and allowing yourself to learn, mess up, and continue to learn can be freeing.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

You’re full of inspiration, Pisces, once Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. This can be a productive time to focus on personal hobbies and passion projects. You’re standing out for your charm and talent! If you’re single and ready to mingle, it’s also time to refresh your dating profile. The skies are romantic and you’re also learning some lucky news over the next few weeks.

Conversations go your way when Venus in Scorpio links up with Neptune, in your sign, on October 15. People are drawn to you and it’s easy to convince others to align with what you want. If there’s a conversation you’ve wanted to have, this is a great day to do so as people are more open-minded and understanding. You could also make a decision based on your intuition or feel called to write poetry or express yourself creatively.

The full moon in Aries brings a change to the way you support yourself and your finances on October 17. Maybe a job ends or you’re feeling ready to apply for other opportunities. You could also reach a turning point in your financial planning—maybe you’ve paid down some debt, or you’re ready to get serious and back on track with your savings goals.

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