Your June horoscope for 2024 | AWW


As we enter a new month, the slate is wiped clean and there are endless possibilities for growth. See what’s in store for your relationships, career, and emotions in the month ahead, here’s your June horoscope for 2024

Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22

With Venus, Mercury and the sun glamorising your social sign, you’ll be this month’s hub for a lively buzz of connection and interaction in your local community, with friends and colleagues alike. Chatterbox Mercury in his most media-savvy transit lends a trendy edge to your personal and professional messaging, while the effervescent Gemini new moon on June 6 could spark delicious synchronicities and links with kindred spirits. Your only caution – the Mercury/Neptune clash on June 18 carries a recommendation to be very careful about disclosing sensitive or confidential information. 

Cancer, Jun 23 – Jul 23

Plans can sizzle then fizzle during this busy, multitasking month, so do your best to avoid cerebral overload. As mental Mercury sinks into your sentimental sign on June 17, and affectionate Venus commences her layover in your touchy-feely domain, people ease out of their heads and into their feelings again. When the sun’s solar radiance joins the planets of communication, love and beauty in Cancer for June’s final week, it’s time to start hosting those cosy, at-home gatherings with intimate conversations and lashings of feel-good comfort food.

Leo, Jul 24 – Aug 23

Despite this month’s planetary discords, the upside of June’s occasionally flaky behaviour is that it offers your majesty ample opportunities for a starring role as a credible authority and person of your word. Make sure to be impeccable with following through on promises and walking your talk. At the full moon on June 22 the astral force is with you for a mid-year progress check to assess your professional status. Could it benefit from clearer parameters? If they need adjusting to fit current constraints of time, money and resources, then tweak and rejig as indicated.

Virgo, Aug 24 – Sep 23

Your planet mentor Mercury has an active agenda for Virgos this month. Until June 18, conditions for electronics shopping are auspicious, and after that date Mercury stimulates ideas for streamlined yet inviting home decor updates. The quicksilver planet’s meet-up with expansive Jupiter in the sign of ideas makes for communication magic this month, connecting you with a wider reach. Naturally, this flurry of new options and possibilities requires further research and practical assessment, so use the mid-June moon in your discerning sign to check for anything you may have missed. 

Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23

Vixen Venus lavishes you with added magnetism this month, but cautionary Saturn suggests getting to know those shiny new people a little better before inviting them into your inner circle. Mid-June could cause relationship confusion with mind-changing Venus and variable Neptune, both in dual signs, making it hard to balance the ideal with the real. But retail therapy saves the day when the stars favour home shopping later this month. Enjoy revamping your entertainment area with new plants, crystals, soft cushions and warm lighting. 

Scorpio, Oct 24 – Nov 22

June’s lively, fast-moving astrology sends mental stimulus into overdrive, so keep your wits about you. It’s the celestial season of indiscretion, so you might want to update privacy policies and keep personal intel in the vault. Planetary loggerheads are plentiful this month, but its silver lining can move a stuck needle and galvanise you into taking action. As water-sign energetics amplify from June 17 onwards, others might seem increasingly touchy or needy, so make an extra effort to listen with compassion and reply kindly.

Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

It might not be easy, but try to steer clear of this month’s time-wasting small talk, idle chit chat and opinionated gossip which you will find yourself in range of. Aim for a meeting of minds on more important topics and compelling matters while charismatic Mercury is giving your words wings. Avoid promising more than you can deliver or telling people what they want to hear. Invite dialogue, but don’t contribute until you’re sure of what you really want to say. Assume nothing and for the best results, listen as much as you speak. 

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 20

June’s accelerated socialising offers plenty of prime opportunities for strategic cruising and schmoozing, Capricorn-style. When the winter solstice and annual full moon in your sign on June 21 – the first of a rare double pair of consecutive Capricorn full moons – arrive to activate your mid-year review, use this astral assist to check progress, revamp plans and correct course if a pivot is required. Then when the sun hits the comfort couch during June’s final home-loving, family oriented week of nesting, resting and guesting, you’ll know that you’ve earned it.

Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19

June begins with a powerful and potent Jupiter/Pluto alignment in your sign: An important, alchemical aspect that only happens every six years. Sudden epiphanies or lightbulb moments may download surprising new solutions to perennial problems, or even detonate a breakthrough from the biographical ballast of the past so you see a clearer way forward. Note to self: This month’s furious brainstorming calls for the mandatory balance of downtime – exercise or massage to refresh the body; mental relaxation; the spiritual rejuvenation nature provides in your garden, a park, the bush or the beach. 

Pisces, Feb 20 – Mar 20

In early June, bossy Saturn in your sign challenging easy-going Venus might stir up discussion about unequal relationship roles. In which case, keep your boundaries strong, because slipping into Piscean default role of ‘the understanding and sympathetic saviour’ could embroil you in draining rescue missions. There are some tricky planetary aspects this month, so be aware of how your fluctuating moods are affecting others. The full moon on June 22 brings sweet relief when celestial energies in a fellow water sign settle into an increasingly Fish-friendly flow. 

Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 21

With motivator Mars in slow and sensible mode this month, you can finally tackle your to-do list without breaking the speed limit. Though if Mars still ratchets up stress levels, these are best soothed by savouring pleasures and treating yourself to luxurious but practical indulgences: luscious food, beautiful bedding, a holiday in nature. If mid-month crosscurrents between communicator Mercury, activator Mars, intuitive Neptune, CEO Saturn and pattern breaking Pluto have you questioning whether to stay or walk away, press the pause button until you’re sure. 

Taurus, Apr 22 – May 21

Venus is in her most friendly, entertaining and outgoing mode this June, but she won’t want to be pinned down. This month’s red flag to Taurus Bulls arrives on June 9 when headstrong Mars charges into your stubborn sign, provoking stand-offs where no one wants to back down. Focus on being flexible and negotiable until the Mercury/Venus alignment on June 18 sets a more sympathetic stage for heartfelt dialogue on touchy subjects. Then consider letting your guard down a little; offering compliments rather than criticism, so that people feel heard and appreciated.  

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