Weekly horoscope for June 23 – June 29: What the stars have in store


OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20


You have the star strength this week to stop a dream in its tracks, and find a better way to make it happen for you. 

This may mean waiting a little longer, but it will be worth it in every way. 

So instead of pushing your feelings away, act on them. 

Love-wise, Venus security wraps you in a blanket of passion peace, and a calm Taurus can be the cause.  


APR 21 – MAY 21


Welcoming all replies to your questions, instead of only the ones you think you want, can be your passport to progress. 

This is a week where you are so adaptable and fast – and work so well with whatever comes your way. 

At work, this can put you top of a newly forming list. 

At home, you can lead a family out of silence.  Love wears shades of blue.  


MAY 22 – JUNE 21


The sun’s warmth fills your values chart, so forgiving and forgetting can come more easily.

This can be the week you step away from a person or project that never matches your expectations, and find something better for yourself. 

All week, let yourself be proud of who you are, because you deserve it. 

As Saturn reverses, ambitions may stall – but this offers you more time to find bigger, better options.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22


A strong, unshakeable belief in yourself is the foundation of your chart right now, and this gives you the solid base to launch some daring moves. 

Only you know what these should be, so follow only your ideas. 

Finding space for “Me” in the “we” of relationships can be a Cancer challenge, but now you achieve this with kindness and care. 

The luck factor links to teams, or sets, of twelve. 


JULY 23 – AUG 23


The logic of planet Mercury is with you this week to help work out which hidden parts of yourself need to come out, and when. 

The results can be a surprise, but one that opens up many Leo doors – so above all, be honest with yourself. 

As Saturn switches back, you may waver on a set of deep beliefs – but if they really matter to you, do stand firm.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22


The influence of Mars in your adventure chart is growing every day – and you may feel the need to break free from too-rigid agendas and go your own way. 

Your natural Virgo planning ability protects you, so don’t skimp on this as confidence grows. 

If you’re in love, laughing with friends, and as friends, reminds you what matters. 

Single?  The One enjoys the same music site as you.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23


As Venus is on a passionate upward push, the higher you aim in love, the more you can achieve.

So this is not a week to settle for less than you know you need, and deserve. 

If you’re single, this can include ending one on-off bond, and starting a stronger, steadier one. 

Health changes may feel in the doldrums, but stick with them – a breakthrough can come by the weekend.


OCT 24 – NOV 22


Harnessing the calming mind power of Mercury to cool your hot temper, can help you deal with any sudden switches in love, life, or work plans. 

Maybe you really want things to go one way – but the alternative can be better for you, when you give it a chance. 

A moon of creating safe spaces to talk, and listen, leads towards surprise work offers. 

Passion takes a “G” mystery tour.


NOV 23 – DEC 21


If a household have been taking certain things about you for granted, this can change overnight as Saturn stops and takes stock. 

You are one of the most generous signs, but it may be time to set some limits around your time, and care. 

Love-wise,  Venus fantasy and Mars energy make for between the sheets intensity, and between the lines intrigue. 

The luck factor reverses a regular numbers line.


DEC 22 – JAN 20


Forever love shines bright in your chart – it’s the kind that never gets dull, because of two-way effort and respect. 

If you’re single, this can lead towards a workmate who will never make the first move.

If you’re attached, this is a great week to boost already good bonds. 

A personal moon reminds you true security comes from inside, first. 

Jupiter sprinkles luck stardust on a team of six. 


JAN 21 – FEB 18


Other people’s health can be a hot new career direction for you, starting this week – as you have a real gift for sussing out exactly what people most need in their lives. 

Do take time to research qualifications and experience pathways. 

In love?  Venus is hard at work keeping feelings strong, and setting the stage for a special conversation. 

Single? The One is quiet, but has an unforgettable laugh. 


FEB 19 – MAR 20


A really sociable moon scope makes this your week to keep reaching out, even if responses are slow to come. 

They will be worth the wait.  The most reliable of planets, Saturn, swings into retrograde in your own sign for the next few months at the weekend. 

So get ready to question who and what is genuinely good for you – and find some exciting answers. 

Luck writes in green.

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