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Today’s daily horoscope for June 19, 2024

Juneteenth on Solstice EveThis Juneteenth falls on the eve of the season’s change and the sun’s passage into the sign of patriotism and home....

Today’s daily horoscope for June 15, 2024

Lunar Lingering in LibraFeelings don’t mean anything until we decide what they mean, and even then we shouldn’t automatically accept the meaning as the...

Today’s daily horoscope for June 7, 2024

Final Day of Mars the BullThere are days we feel we have our hands on the steering wheel of life and days we feel...

Today’s daily horoscope for May 30, 2024

Lessons of Lunar SquaresAsserting boundaries takes energy. If you had to do it constantly, you wouldn’t get much else done. This is why people...

Today’s daily horoscope for May 26, 2024

On ForgivenessAn earth sign trine and lunar squares offer variations on the theme of forgiveness. Some forgive and forget. Some forgive and remember. Some...


