Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – December 2, 2024


It’s Cyber Monday, when online retailers offer discounts tied in with Black Friday – which was first named 70 years ago when so many people hit the shops after Thanksgiving, there were problems with crowd control!

These days, since we tend to push our budgets at this time of year, ‘special offers’ that haven’t been sold need to go while we’ve still got cash to spend.

Whether we Christmas-shop at the last minute, or stock up in advance, as Venus links with innovative Uranus, it’s tradition-breaking time.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% OFF and a free Personal Profile Chart Token*(You can keep for yourself or gift to a friend!), with complimentary Tarot readings. 

These spookily accurate birth charts, based on your unique birth placements will tell you everything you need to know.

Simply enter your birth details and receive a completely personal 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ made just for you. *runs from now until the very end of 2025.


March 21 – April 20

We can always think of things we lack. If only we had ‘this’ or ‘that’ life would be perfect. It’s not just that we want to have our cake and eat it; in an ideal world it would be beautifully decorated, our favourite flavour, and good for our health! But the quest for perfection stops us from appreciating what’s going on in the present. If you adjust your mindset and set it to a setting that enables you to enjoy what’s unfolding in your world, you can achieve a state of contentment today. And when you feel good, the future looks good too.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and Three Free complimentary Tarot readings.


(April 21 – May 21) 

Some people always look to the future and plan in advance. They don’t have much use for short-term strategies. They see little benefit in focusing on immediate needs; they view them as distractions. It might sound like a reasonable strategy. But even though life is a long-term experience, it’s easy to forget that our time is limited. Don’t let your worries about the future talk you out of seizing the moment today brings. As your ruler, Venus, links with innovative Uranus, here comes a rare opportunity that you don’t want to miss.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!


(May 22 – June 22)

You’re a smart Gemini. Little escapes your attention. But even the smartest folk experience lapses of concentration. And this often happens when we think we’ve got insight into everything that’s going on. While you don’t want to swing to the other extreme and become full of self-doubt, it’s wise not to be overconfident today. Your ruler, Mercury, in retrograde motion, is making you more cautious than usual. But take that as a positive. Your uncertainty is allowing time for a situation to change. Then, you’ll make the right decision.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.

Oscar Cainer says that as Venus links with innovative Uranus, it’s time to break tradition


(June 23 – July 23)

The problem with emotions is that they’re hard/impossible to regulate. Like a sound system with a faulty remote control, they’re either all the way up. Or all the way down. Which makes life difficult. Yet feelings never stay at a constant level. They fluctuate depending on our moods and our circumstances. The fact that you’re starting to care less than you did about a tricky issue in your world doesn’t mean you’re insensitive. No. Actually, it’s your sensitivity that’s enabling you to pick up on the fact that it’s changing. Phew.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and Three Free complimentary Tarot readings.


(July 24 – August 23)

Fault-finding is easy. When we’re in the habit of criticising, we’ll always be able to find things that are ‘not quite right’. Nothing is faultless, flawless, or perfect in every way. There’s always something to question, doubt, or disagree about. Even nature contains ‘imperfections’; crops don’t always ripen at the ‘right’ time. Trees grow lopsided. Yet just because everything has its flaws doesn’t mean that the creative energy at the heart of the cosmos isn’t benevolent. If you look for the positives, you’ll put a problem into perspective today. 

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!


(August 24 – September 23)

If you want things to be different from now on, you’ve got to do something about what’s going on right now. If you’re motivated to do something about ‘now’, the ‘on’ bit takes care of itself. Just sitting around, crossing your fingers and hoping tomorrow brings change won’t work. But there’s another way of influencing the future. It involves reshaping the past. Our memories influence our expectations and choices. If you can forgive and move on from a tough situation, you’ll take steps towards creating a happier reality today.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.

These days, since we tend to push our budgets at this time of year, 'special offers' that haven't been sold need to go while we've still got cash to spend.

These days, since we tend to push our budgets at this time of year, ‘special offers’ that haven’t been sold need to go while we’ve still got cash to spend. 


(September 24 – October 23) 

You’d appreciate some celestial guidance. But you’re aware of the fact that our invisible helpers have got huge amounts of work to do; so, what right have you got to expect their advice? Yet just because they’re busy doesn’t mean they haven’t got time for you. As your ruler, Venus, links with sparky Uranus, if you pay close attention to your inner voice of wisdom today, you’ll know what action to take. Think of the nicest thing you could do for someone. Do it, and someone else will do the nicest thing for you.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and Three Free complimentary Tarot readings.


(October 24 – November 22)

We enjoy reading art/movie/food critiques. But do the people whose words we value have special talents? Aren’t we all born blessed with the capacity to find fault? There’s much more to it than that. These people need to be experts. It’s not only about pointing out what’s wrong; it’s being able to do it in a way that’s different to other critics. And it’s also, of course, about being able to point out what’s right. When dealing with a tricky situation today, if you look for the positives, you’ll be surprised to discover the good news it holds.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies! 


(November 23 – December 21)

Why aren’t you on the front page of the tabloids? Why aren’t the paparazzi following you whenever you pop to the shops? If the media knew the story of your life, they’d be constantly on your trail! And I’m only talking about what’s happened up until right now! They’re going to go crazy when they find out what happens next! Of course, they don’t need to know if you don’t want them to know. You don’t have to share your plans with the world. But there’s no getting away from the fact that what’s unfolding right now is exciting.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.


(December 22 – January 20)

We’ve all got reasons for feeling what we feel and doing what we do. And since those reasons are personal and private, we’re careful who we share them with. When someone addresses us in a demanding tone, tells us that we’ve got something wrong, and asks us to explain ourselves, we’re hardly going to jump at the chance of explaining ourselves. When it comes to emotional responses, who’s to say what’s right or wrong? With an open-minded approach, you can make someone who feels bad feel much better today. 

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and Three Free complimentary Tarot readings.


(January 21 – February 19) 

The idea that’s whirring around your head right now? You don’t have to get into it. Or let it get into you. Whether you choose to rise above it, put it behind you, or find a way to work through it, you can free yourself from a sense of being overwhelmed. Unbeknown to you, as your ruler, Uranus, links with Venus, help is on its way. You’re about to be inspired by an insight that enables you to move on from a challenging situation. You just need to be prepared to take advice from someone you normally give advice to.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer – Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!


(February 20 – March 20) 

People who often make mistakes tend to share a characteristic; rather than admitting to the possibility that they’ve made an error, they blame other people or circumstances. This might, temporarily, make them feel good. But sooner or later, their misplaced confidence always reveals itself. On the other hand, although people who are cautious, uncertain, and mindful of others might not stand out in a crowd, they have a better track record when it comes to results. Your reticence today is a sign of wisdom and hidden strength.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday – Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 ‘Guide to the Future’ ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings. 

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