
PM boosts UK aerospace industry with £975 million to drive growth and jobs

Thousands of highly skilled jobs will be supported across the UK as the Prime Minister throws his support behind the aerospace industry – with...

The sky’s the limit for the Welsh games industry | Welsh Government News

One year on from opening its European HQ in Cardiff,...

Careers Wales adds TikTok Influencer and Volcanologist to Careers City resource for primary schools – Herald.Wales

Careers Wales has expanded its popular Careers City resource, designed to engage primary school learners in Years 5 and 6 with the diverse world...

A Budget to fix the foundations and deliver change for Wales

Chancellor takes long-term decisions to restore stability, rebuild Britain and protect working people across Wales. ...

New Employment & Skills Fund to Support Tata Steel UK and Supply Chain Workers in Wales

Workers in Wales who have been made redundant from Tata Steel UK or a business within the company’s supply chain and other associated contractors...
