
Major Research Project to Look into Causes of ‘Brain Drain’ From Wales

A new research project will look into the ‘brain drain’ of professionals away from Wales. The initiative is a partnership between GlobalWelsh, the non-profit organisation...

Plant-Based Meals Hit the Shelves of Retail Giant

Plant-based meals from a Carmarthenshire business are appearing on Tesco shelves across the country. Three new meal pots – Chip Shop Curry, Mushroom Carbonara and...

Skills: The Key to Attracting Inward Investment to Wales

During my tenure as First Minister of Wales, I had the privilege of promoting our nation on the global stage, seeking to attract inward...

Welsh Farming ‘Falling Behind’ in Nature-Friendly and Organic Practices

Wales is falling behind in nature-friendly and organic farming practices while Scotland is ‘trailblazing”, says The Soil Association. It says that new Defra organic farmland...

Full Fibre ‘Hypercity’ Scheme Extended to Reach More Areas

A full fibre internet provider has been selected for the next phase of a ‘hypercity’ transformation in Cardiff. Cardiff Council has appointed Telcom Group to...
