
Business Activity Growth in Wales Fastest for a Year as Rise in New Orders Sustained

The headline NatWest Wales PMI® Business Activity Index posted at 50.8 in April, up from 50.3 in March, to signal the fastest upturn in...

Groundbreaking Scheme Protects Welsh Public Services from Cyber-Attacks

Welsh local authorities and fire and rescue services will be protected from cyber-attacks in the first scheme of its kind in the UK. CymruSOC (Security...

Hydrogen Transport on Offer to Delegates at Major Convention

Attendees will be able to travel to a major business convention in buses powered by hydrogen energy. The 2024 Convention for the Western Gateway will...

Major Research Project to Look into Causes of ‘Brain Drain’ From Wales

A new research project will look into the ‘brain drain’ of professionals away from Wales. The initiative is a partnership between GlobalWelsh, the non-profit organisation...

Plant-Based Meals Hit the Shelves of Retail Giant

Plant-based meals from a Carmarthenshire business are appearing on Tesco shelves across the country. Three new meal pots – Chip Shop Curry, Mushroom Carbonara and...
