
Almost half of Welsh businesses report skills shortage and lack confidence in AI and green tech – Herald.Wales

NEW DATA from this year’s Business Barometer report published by The Open University in partnership with the British Chambers of Commerce, has found that...

Overseas Expansion Brings Revenue Boost for Marine Manufacturer

A marine equipment manufacturer has achieved a $5 million boost in export revenue after opening a dedicated international base in the US. Now Powys-based Makefast...

Warning to Businesses as More than £50m Stolen Through Invoice Scams

A total of £50.3 million was stolen through invoice and mandate scams last year. Santander is urging businesses to be cautious when paying invoices and...

Dairy Adds Major Supermarket to List of Retailers Stocking its Butter

A family-run dairy has added another supermarket to a list of retailers stocking its products. Aldi has joined other Welsh retailers, including Waitrose, M&S, Tesco,...

Costs Mount Up as Average Payroll Fraud Takes 18 Months to Detect

Payroll fraud is costing companies an average of £40,000 every time it happens. The Global Payroll Association has analysed occupational fraud data to understand how...
