For loyal, hard-working, and idealistic Capricorn: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of January.
We enter the new year under multiple planetary retrogrades, some more potent than others. Mars retrograde proves to be the peskiest, as its close proximity strengthens its effects from our vantage point. Like Mercury retrograde, this small planet’s regressive period can lead to project delays and unexpected mishaps. Motivation decreases, energy levels drop, and apathy becomes more tempting. The red planet’s placements in Leo and Cancer throughout the month shift this deceleration toward emotional aspects of our lives. This can include our relationships with others, ourselves, and our intuition.
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Uranus and Jupiter retrograde are also notable celestial players this month. The former retrograde is perhaps the most chaotic of these three, sending out a cosmic call for rebellion and innovation. Uranus’ unruly nature can give it a bad reputation, but this type of approach can be useful when wielded appropriately. Sometimes, it takes a bit of a shake-up to get a necessary change to stick. Most major transformations require discomfort. Finally, Jupiter retrograde encourages us to keep our hearts and minds open as it reveals new beliefs, perspectives, and ideas for us to consider. Be wary of holding on to any one idea too closely this month. Nothing is as permanent as it might seem.
Your ruling planet, Saturn, begins the month in a potent conjunction with the waxing crescent Moon in Pisces. This combination locks into place on January 4. This combination signals greater persistence and determination in the face of hardship. Hold fast to your principles and work ethic, Capricorn. Things will turn out the way they ought to in the end. The worst thing you could do at this point is start questioning your progress. This would only undermine the progress you’ve made thus far. Stay on this path. Trust the process.
Mercury enters your celestial domain a few days later, on January 8, helping boost intellectual and communicative power. Your ruling planet’s placement in Pisces has created a more sentimental energy than you typically prefer. Emotions have been at the forefront of your mind, and that has required a significant adjustment period. Mercury’s placement in your sign will help restabilize your mindset, helping you better communicate what you’re looking for and accurately assess how close to (or far from) those goals you are. This Mercurian transition is exacerbated by Saturn’s favorable sextile with the waxing crescent Moon, reinforcing this cosmic call to recalibrate on your path.
On January 13, the full Moon reaches its peak phase in Cancer. This creates a particularly strong lunar event that will increase emotional clarity, heighten sensitivity, and bring plans to fruition. Your ruling planet also forms a harmonious trine with the full Moon under Pisces and Cancer, respectively, two water-ruled signs. Water and earth, your ruling element, aren’t necessarily diametrically opposed in the same way earth and air might be. But there are still some differences to account for. January 13 promises to be a particularly dynamic day, celestially speaking. Avoid falling toward any one extreme at all costs. Don’t stubbornly close yourself off to exciting opportunities. But in that same breath, make sure you stay rooted in reality long enough to watch for any unforeseen pitfalls.
The cosmos offers a chance to reflect on the events that occurred during and around the full Moon as Saturn faces a direct opposition to the waning gibbous in Virgo on January 17. This lunar placement shifts emotional and mental focus toward endings and closure. With your ruling planet’s disciplinarian attitude in the mix, this cosmic alignment suggests there is something (or someone) you need to let go of in order to move past this plateau in your growth. Maintaining the discipline to keep moving forward after things get tough is supposed to be difficult, Capricorn. Otherwise, would there even be a need for such self-control?
The Sun begins its transition into Aquarius on January 19 at the same time that your ruling planet forms a potent conjunction with Venus. The latter planet’s domain over love and finances suggests a need to hunker down and seriously consider what kind of investments you’re making. What are you doing right now to benefit yourself in the long term? Look past the obvious surface-level answers. Take the time to determine whether what you’re doing right now is truly sustainable. If you were to remove yourself from the confines of your or others’ expectations, what possibilities might present themselves to you?
Just under one week later, Saturn finds itself in another conflict-ridden alignment with the Moon—this time, the waning crescent in Sagittarius. This tense alignment locks into place on January 25, one day before the waning crescent Moon crosses over into your celestial domain. The dwindling lunar phase offers a clear sign toward rest and recalibration. Considering the negativity square aspects can often conjure, it would be wise to avoid taking on new responsibilities or obligations as you decide which of your pre-existing commitments you should rid yourself of. It’s impossible to truly organize your priorities if you keep adding more things to the list.
The new Moon reaches its darkest phase in Aquarius on January 29. The new Moon is the most introspective and reflective lunar phase in its monthly cycle. It promotes a slower, more restful state that allows you to brainstorm and prepare for your next steps. Aquarius’ influence over this dark lunar phase adds an extra layer of creativity and innovation. There might not be a clear set of guidelines for you to follow to turn your dreams into a reality, Capricorn. Perhaps you’re the one meant to write them.
While this might not have been what you predicted your role to be in this endeavor, it seems to be the one the cosmos has assigned you. Uranus turns direct the next day, January 30, under Taurus, emphasizing the notion that things are rarely exactly as we perceive them to be. This planetary return to direct motion encourages trend-setting, rule-breaking, and other healthy forms of rebellion.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Capricorn! See you next month.