Aries Monthly Horoscope


MONTH OF October

The leaves aren’t the only things changing colors this month! October begins in the thick of eclipse season as 2024’s fourth and final eclipse arrives at the beginning of the month, a transformational pivot for the world. This supercharged solar (new moon) eclipse in Libra will bring fresh energy to your partnerships, a trend that will extend into the entire month.

On October 9, expansive Jupiter starts its four-month retrograde backspin through Gemini and your social third house, an ideal time to reconnect with friends, inspiring contacts and creative projects. For a couple days, all five of the slow-moving planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will be retrograde. Then, on October 11, Pluto ends its retrograde, which began on May 2, powering forward in Capricorn and your ambitious tenth house. The other planets will remain retrograde until next month and beyond, helping you step back and assess the larger themes of your life—your finances, emotional well-being and social network in particular.

In the meantime, Libra season helps you restore balance to your bonds—and make a sharp course correction with the October 2 eclipse. The first three weeks of the month are a time to ensure that your partnerships, both romantic and business, feel fair and equitable. With the Sun warming up your companion corner until October 22, one specific person might rise above the contenders as a potential sidekick or significant other. 

There’s a good reason for your fiercely independent sign to stay open to collaboration now. In Libra, the Sun is at the farthest point in the sky from your zodiac sign, making your own “solar power” a little dim. That’s all the more reason to lean on those reliable rocks who show up, step up and create the perfect synergy with you.

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Dynamic new partnerships could spark up when you least expect it at the October 2 Libra new moon. This is an annular solar eclipse—aka “ring of fire” because a fiery circle of the Sun will be visible around the obscuring moon—which beams into your seventh house of commitments and companionship. Someone (maybe you) could propose a permanent arrangement, whether that’s with an officialized relationship, a business venture or a signed contract. 

If you’ve been waffling on this for a while, get ready to make a firm decision soon. Since July 17, 2023, the change-making eclipses have fallen in Aries and Libra, drawing a sharp line between individuality (Aries) and togetherness (Libra). For the Aries and Libras of the world, it’s been an especially intense time of transformation. 

This is the final Libra eclipse in this series, which will come to a full completion on March 29, 2025, with an Aries solar eclipse. Consider the next six months a pivotal time to sort out the right proportions of “me” and “we” in your life—and to balance your priorities with the demands of your most important relationships. 

Another reason the Libra new moon of 2024 has added heft? This year, a unique cosmic lineup will accompany the Libra new moon. There are six cosmic placements in air signs that day—the Sun, moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the karmic south node and the black moon Lilith “point” — spotlighting the most social and collaborative parts of your chart. 

Lilith in astrology represents your shadow, the part of you that can rise up in anger when one of your most important boundaries is crossed. The Sun, moon and Lilith will all occupy the same degree at this eclipse, which could cause anger you weren’t even aware of to bubble up—potentially taking you and others by surprise.

Do your best to catch yourself before you lash out, Aries. If you can, proactively open up dialogue with your inner circle: How can you improve communication or distribute duties more equitably? Is it time to adopt a new role in your existing relationships? If you’re always the one in charge, dial down the DIY and allow others to take the helm. And if you haven’t done your part to co-pilot the ship, this solar eclipse will blow the whistle and demand that you pull your weight.

Could your communication use some work? If your exchanges haven’t been as smooth or transparent as you’d like, you’ll get a solid four months to repair and recalibrate starting one week later. On October 9, outspoken Jupiter begins its annual four-month retrograde, backing through Gemini and your third house of communication until February 4, 2025. 

Jupiter retrograde can help you be more mindful about where you direct your attention. Suddenly, it could feel like the right time to blow the dust off a shelved manuscript or to pick up that idea for an AI-powered app. Anything you back-burnered that involves writing, media or teaching could get an infusion of fresh inspiration. But don’t just dive into “doing.” Use this time to reconnect to what really lights you up intellectually. Some projects might benefit from pausing or stepping back to change your approach as needed. 

Is your screen time skewing high and your DM feed endlessly full? This year’s Jupiter retrograde invites you to take a break from social media or oversharing to your friends. Skip the scrolling and do some old-school journaling with pen and paper—or even digitally if you can manage to ignore those notifications. Get in touch with your innermost thoughts by cutting out some of the online static and distractions. A study of people who journaled about their feelings for 15 minutes a day over 12 weeks showed less depressive symptoms and increased well-being. 

Consider the company you keep as well. If friends have been draining or simply not on your wavelength, don’t feel bad about taking some space. Direct your attention to people who fill you with hope and motivation. An old colleague, neighbor or kindred spirit could resurface, or a sibling might figure prominently into events through the winter. 

Pondering a change of address? With risk-taker Jupiter currently retrograde in this curious zone, we recommend spending a few days (or months!) in the places under consideration prior to signing any leases or putting in an offer. You might Airbnb a place and see what it would feel like to actually live there. Are there cafes, yoga studios, bookstores—whatever your go-to spots may be—within reasonable walking, cycling or driving distance? Suss out the area to make sure that your happiest lifestyle can be achieved here. 

Jupiter is in Gemini from May 25, 2024 until June 9, 2025. After the introspective retrograde period ends, you’ll have four months of Jupiter in full-power direct mode to really take action on your discoveries. 

Power struggles and professional angst will settle down beginning October 11, when calculating Pluto ends its (final) annual retrograde through Capricorn. Ever since May 2, Pluto has been retrograde. It started out in Aquarius; then on September 1, it backed into your tenth house of career and authority. 

This is momentous because it’s also the end of Pluto’s very long, 16-year journey through Capricorn that began back in 2008—a once-in-a-lifetime transit since Pluto takes almost 250 years to return to each sign after it visits. From September 1 to November 19, Pluto makes its final lap through this sign, adding its transformational touch to your professional tenth house. 

How can you make the most of this final Pluto-in-Capricorn cycle once the shadowy planet turns direct (forward) this October 11? Get strategic and think big-picture—especially with Pluto heading back into futuristic Aquarius for an uninterrupted 20-year run on November 19. What do you want to do with your life and your grandest goals? How can you make an unforgettable impact and leave your mark on the world? Making money for money’s sake won’t be enough to satisfy you. 

With Pluto standing strong in your tenth house of public image, presenting yourself to the world as a powerhouse or thought leader could position you for a serious status boost. During this wild election cycle, we need all the enlightened high-vibe leaders we can get. (Cue your signmate Tim Walz, an Aries whose heart-centered “Coach Walz” approach has captured the world’s attention.)

Capricorn is the sign of fathers, men and authority figures. If you’ve had tension with a man in your life or felt simmering conflict with a colleague or client, you can initiate a proactive discussion now. Proceed delicately and slowly since Plutonian matters are like a poker game—and the god of the underworld doesn’t want you to lay all your cards face-up on the table. If someone’s been triggering you, Pluto’s direct turn could help you stop taking the bait. 

And if that wasn’t enough to push you in an assertive direction, the midmonth full Aries supermoon will take on the job. A moment of solo stardom arrives on October 17, when the year’s only Aries full moon beams into your sign, shining the spotlight directly on you! 

Look back to the April 8 Aries total solar (new moon) eclipse for clues of what might really come together today. If you’ve been considering making a major move around a passion project or personal ambition, this could be your moment to go for it! (Here’s hoping this full moon will deliver fellow Aries Lady Gaga’s newest single off her upcoming LG7 album.) If all the Libra season compromising and collaborating has left you feeling out of your element, this is THE day to put your own priorities first without apology!

Watch for power plays on October class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 22, when the confident Sun locks into a tense square with volcanic Pluto. The Sun is in Libra and your relationship zone, and Pluto’s in your career sector. This could make for some explosive moments in a business alliance or a showdown with a partner. Nobody wants to compromise, and things could quickly devolve into a power struggle. What’s really pushing your buttons here? Try to catch yourself BEFORE you react. That can be a challenge with the passionate Sun sprinkling extra hubris in the mix.

Meanwhile, subterranean Pluto’s influence could churn up a lot of long-buried resentments. You can’t settle every grudge in a single match, Aries! If you’ve been making too many sacrifices for a partner or forestalling your own dreams, this Sun-Pluto mashup can be a wake-up call. Remember, Ram: YOU are responsible for setting appropriate boundaries and articulating your needs. Others can only help if you ask. (Note: A request is different than a demand, so don’t go to the opposite extreme and turn into a diva.)

Life becomes more of a chessboard—but an exciting one!—later that day (October 22), when the Sun shifts into Scorpio and your eighth house of intimacy, mergers and strategic moves. For the next month, you may prefer to be more private or to focus on a few key relationships. A joint business venture could percolate, or a sizzling sexual attraction may start to gather steam. 

You’ll be yearning for a mind-body-soul connection by month’s end, when your ruling planet, Mars (in emotional Cancer), forms a harmonious trine with Neptune (in sensitive Pisces) on October 28. Romance is in the air, and you’re ready to get swept up in the passion of the moment. Note to Aries of the fertile demographic: This could be a particularly potent moment for pregnancies. 

This watery cosmic mix also serves up mystical, Beetlejuice-esque vibes that can transform any Halloween party into a scene out of your very own Tim Burton movie. Allow your imagination to run wild! Let your most creative haunted house or decoration ideas out of the bag. With the moon in witchy Scorpio and your esoteric eighth house on Halloween proper, you could feel like pulling out all the spooky stops!

Oh, the feelings! You could be awash in emotion this October. With Venus slinking through Scorpio and your sexy eighth house (until October 17) and Mars hiding out in Cancer’s domestic shell all month, October offers major cuffing-season energy. If you’re in a secure relationship, seize the opportunity to bring more depth to your connection. No quickies—not with foreplay or important conversations about your childhood fears bubbling up to the surface! 

Single? Open up to someone who will take good care of your heart. (For cues and clues, look at how they treat friends and family.) Boudoir experimentation could get downright tantric under these spiritually awakened skies. You’ll be on the prowl for someone who can “match your freak” and also share space or make a house feel like a home. Tall order? Maybe for some signs, but you’re not one to settle, Aries!

The balancing act of “me” and “we” takes center stage in early October. Right off the bat, the October 2 Libra solar eclipse will activate your seventh house of relationships, prompting you to reevaluate your bonds or make a bold move. In the days that follow, Venus forms harmonious 120 degree trines with mature Saturn (October 4) and motivated Mars (October 8). 

Whether you’re talking engagement or “hard-launching” a relationship on social media, your commitments are ready for a new chapter to unfold over the next six months. This is a pivotal time to sort out the right balance between YOUR priorities and the demands of your most important ties. 

On October 17, Venus soars into adventurous Sagittarius, inviting you to switch up the scenery and embrace the spirit of adventure. Even as Mars keeps spurring you toward commitment, Venus will find freedom to be a major turn-on. Open up to a variety of new people and experiences. The key is striking the right combination that marries your independence with stability—not unlike fellow Aries Lady Gaga and fiance Michael Polansky.

Staycations at hotels, steamy makeouts in cars (and bars) or even a different room of the house can keep it hot. Cross-cultural and long-distance relationships get bonus blessings from Venus in Sag during this time. An attraction to someone from a different culture or background than yours could spark up. For couples, this is a favorable cycle to travel together. After a busy summer, you deserve a getaway with your partner—especially amidst the craziness of election season! 

Double your prosperity this month by teaming up with dynamic and experienced collaborators! Right out of the gate, the Libra solar eclipse activates your seventh house of partnerships on October 2. Since new moons can take up to six months to unfold, pay attention to the people you meet or collaborative opportunities that emerge near this date. Galvanized by these motivating moonbeams, one or two could become prominent players in the coming days.

Although you might want your contracts signed, sealed and delivered fast, take your time to assess your opportunities. On October 9, enterprising Jupiter begins its signal-scrambling retrograde through your expressive third house (until February 4), which might have you questioning whether your collaborations are speaking the same language or splitting the profit pie fairly. While this might initially feel like a wrench in the plan, Jupiter’s retrograde ultimately helps you be more mindful about where you direct your attention as you prioritize what matters to you. 

Career clarity returns on October 11 as deep-diving Pluto ends a five-month retrograde and activates your tenth house of career until November 19. Make the most of Q4, Aries! Heads up: A power struggle could erupt on October 13, when trickster Mercury in diplomatic Libra forms a tense square to shadowy Pluto in stern Capricorn. Be mindful of below-the-belt remarks and keep your eyes peeled for unearthed information that could throw you off your game. Take a deep breath before responding to any jarring feedback.

You’ll be able to tip the scales in your favor during the October 17 Aries full supermoon. La luna shines a strong spotlight on your priorities, provoking a key moment of self-awareness that will help you make the best and most personally aligned decision possible. The full moon is also an ideal launch date for a passion project or a big-ticket offering. Be ready: The spotlight could find you whether you’re ready or not! 

Love Days: 24, 2

Money Days: 18, 10

Luck Days: 16, 7

Off Days: 26, 4, 14

See All Signs

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