Weekly Horoscope: October 27-November 2, Ignite Your Passions and Desires


As we leave behind October and dive into November, there’s still a noticeable chill in the air and our souls (and it’s not just because of Halloween!).

With Scorpio season in full force, this time of the year encourages us to do deep self-examination to face our shadow sides.

The main focus of the week will be the arrival of the new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 1, which will ignite our passions and desires to make us feel an all-or-nothing energy about nearly everything. We could experience fiery, competitive and dramatic energy within ourselves and on the world stage.

As for cosmic weather, the beginning of the week can bring romance to many, encouraging us to snuggle in closer. Shocking events, accidents or sudden news could pop up on Oct. 30 — but luckily, we should be in a sweeter mood the very next day.

Read on for what the cosmos have in store for your zodiac sign this week!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)


It’s time to get deep, Aries! You’ll certainly be feeling the urge to merge.

With such a sultry, erotic energy bubbling up in your bones, uniting with another in body, mind and soul will be deeply gratifying. However, if you are not fulfilled in relationships, you could instead notice a great degree of tension and distance. If you’re in a healthy relationship, you may notice your union grows at this time.

On a different note, this is an ideal time to assess your assets, investments, settlements and large money matters. If you do so, you could win big in the long run!

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


Buckle up for the most important week of the year when it comes to your relationships, Taurus! A door is opening to you, encouraging you to step through it with someone hand in hand.

You and someone special — in love, business or collaboration — could be seeing eye to eye and proceeding along as you make long-term plans or promises. Moving in, getting engaged or even being wed soon may be possible. If single, you could find someone with long-term relationship potential.

If for some reason you’re splitting apart, though, the universe is telling you to face the music and move on.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)


Suddenly, Gemini, it’s about to feel like there’s a ton of new responsibilities and priorities all being piled onto your shoulders. It could feel like there just isn’t enough hours in a day!

As the stars dance, you may now be taking on new projects and plans and struggling to find the best work and life balance. Luckily, if you’re looking for a new job or clients or instead out of work and want to become employed, you could have extra cosmic energy on your side.

Last, this is an ideal time of the year for you to focus on your physical health and any changes you may want to make, especially around diet, fitness and medications.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)


Let Cupid’s arrows rain down upon you now, Cancer! The universe is putting you in the mood to embrace your greatest passions and happiness.

Don’t just sit back and expect the cosmos to do all the work, though, get involved with romance, fertility, creativity, hobbies, sports and expression! In fact, embracing your inner child and stopping to smell the roses would do you some good.

Don’t get sucked into the workflow. There are times in life to grind, but now is a time to enjoy the beautiful moments that life has to offer you! As for singles, this is one of the best periods of the year to meet someone new.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)


A sudden change is likely to pop up in regard to your home, family or domestic life, Leo. The energy will encourage you to make a change or move in a different direction.

For instance, you may hear that your building is being sold or that you are going to need to move or change roommates. On a positive note, though, this is a great time to consider moving if you’d like a change of scenery or even update your décor or renovate.

If you’re missing your kindred, plan a lovely gathering and invite everyone over!

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)


Life is picking up speed this week for you, Virgo. You’ll be eager to crank right along!

Your intellectual pursuits are especially prominent at this time, and you could make great progress. For instance, you could be required to give a presentation for work or decide it’s time to update your website, resume or headshots.

Learning, speaking and getting involved in advertising or communication projects could also lead you toward more money or influence if you strike at this time. Last, important legalities or contracts could soon be on your table, so be sure to read everything with a fine-toothed comb.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)


Finances have been especially important to you in the past years, Libra, but this week you’re noticing yet another change.

On a positive note, you could be able to make more through a raise, job offer or lucrative client. However, it is also just as likely you may hear of a sudden ending to an income stream or a hefty expense.

The key now is to roll with the punches and consider your best options not only for the immediate future but also for planning down the line. This will aid you regardless of what you face now.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)


The most important week of the year is here for you, Scorpio. You’re the main event!

Not only is it birthday season, but you have a portal opening for you to pursue your greatest hopes, goals, aspirations and dreams. Time is of the essence, though, so don’t just sit back on your couch twiddling your thumbs.

Map out a strategy of everything you want to build toward in the entire year ahead and start to lay the seeds and put the pieces in line. By asserting yourself at this time, people are more likely to fall into line and follow your vision — so go for it and be bold!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)


While you do love the hustle and bustle, Sagittarius, this week is encouraging you to take a breather and lie low.

You could be focusing a bit more on your mental health or require rest, rejuvenation and relaxation. Yet, you could still actually be quite busy working in solitude behind the scenes, as you are developing major projects and plans.

Time is of the essence as you get everything together. If you focus on this now, you will have more in your favor when you’re ready to debut it before the world later on. Hop to it!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)


This week could bring you into contact with a wide network of people, Capricorn. Get ready to be social!

Attending mixers, events or celebrations could all be in store for you. If you choose to attend, you are likely to link up with many people who see eye to eye with you and who can lift you toward your goals and aspirations.

Building a tribe that honors you is crucial now, so getting involved in groups, communities or volunteering will be gratifying. Lastly, someone may step forward and give you the chance to reach a major milestone that you’ve been hoping to achieve.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)


Career goals will be prominent for you this week and next, Aquarius! It appears you’re building up strategies that have to do with your career or professional endeavors.

Perhaps, you could hear of a promotion, receive a major review or win an award or favorable press. A competitive job offer or lucrative client could also present themselves to you.

However, don’t just sit back and wait for it to come to you! The key is to hustle as much as possible during this time and the universe will notice your efforts.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)


Save the daydreaming for another day, Pisces. The universe is opening you up to new horizons, adventures and opportunities.

Personal or professional surprises could be in store, so roll the dice and see what the cosmos have in store. One magnificent way of harnessing this energy is around intellectual pursuits or travel, such as going back to school, getting involved in media endeavors or venturing on a long-distance vacation.

Even if you can’t tackle any of those, at the very least immerse yourself in new ideas and perspectives on life.

Kyle Thomas — who’s known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE’s weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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