Your weekly horoscope October 21-27 | AWW


 The Sun joining Mercury in mysterious, sultry and magnetic Scorpio makes intensity the name of the game. And along with the undeniably exciting zing there could be a bit of a sting in this week’s tail. Here’s your weekly horoscope October 21-27, 2024.

Scorpio, Oct 23 – Nov 21

As this week’s sun lights up your sign with serious steam heat and its annual boost to your personal powers, happy birthday Scorpios! With Mercury activating groups and teamwork, who you know is more important right now than what, so ditch reliance on devices: focus on relating and communicating.

Sagittarius, Nov 22 – Dec 21

This deep and meaningful week requires conversational caution, so zip the lip and listen to what your feelings are whispering. Could it be that it’s your time to escape the daily grind and unwind? It’s also auspicious for intimacy if you can balance life in the spotlight with enough personal downtime out of it.

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 19

As this week applies finishing touches to an intense journey of self-development and personal evolution, raw emotions could surface. Your call is to morph these into some kind of heart-healthy shape so they can be invested in the personal, social or environmental causes you feel strongly about.

Aquarius, Jan 20 – Feb 18

As celestial energetics dive from lightweight and charming to strong and seductive undercurrents, this week delivers insights both dazzling and puzzling. And with tag team Venus and Mars playing hide and seek, your trickiest tightrope walk could be choosing what to share, and what not to disclose.

Pisces, Feb 18 – Mar 20

With the Sun and Mercury in a fellow water sign, forget swimming upstream, float with the current. Just watch what you download or post on socials, because scamsters are ascendant. If you’re feeling pressured or need to retreat, pause and talk things through with someone you trust.

Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 19

The best use of the present Mars transit is for resetting relationship infrastructures. This week could be deeply healing, though not without challenges: the hot red planet in a water sign tends to generate steam heat, so handle it with care. If you think something’s going on, investigate before you accuse.

Taurus, Apr 20 – May 20

Others not being as straightforward as you’d like? What’s actually more important is that you’re honest with yourself. If people seem devious and secretive this week, then pay attention to what isn’t being said. Better still, listen to joyful, breezy Venus saying Hey, why not come out and play?

Gemini, May 21 – Jun 20

This week won’t respond very well to a channel-surfing approach. It requires focus and staying power, so give the Twin Who Talks A Lot a bit of time out. Best astro-tip? Just because you think of a really funny comeback doesn’t mean you should necessarily say it out loud.

Cancer, Jun 21 – Jul 22

Mars rebooting your mojo guarantees there’ll be excitement of some kind in your home zone, but take care to avoid getting sucked into random dramas. If something you say comes back to bite you, monitor your responses and reformat them so you don’t make the same mistake again.

Leo, Jul 23 – Aug 22

Been taking on other people’s stress? Leo rules the heart and spine, so consider a cardio dance workout or chiropractic adjustment to get back in balance. Late week Leo moon is the perfect time to revive any area of life that might have gone a little flat with a dash of glamour.

Virgo, Aug 23 – Sep 22

Been feeling the need to upgrade your filters and strengthen boundaries? This is the week to do it. Because negotiations could get argumentative, it’s worth conducting a reality check to establish exactly what you are and aren’t willing to settle for before important talks or discussions.

Libra, Sep 23 – Oct 22

This week offers some significant realizations combined with quite a slice of realistic advice. And suggests establishing who and what you trust. Or don’t. And why…Perhaps ask yourself where you need more privacy, and conversely, what makes you feel isolated. And answering yourself honestly.

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