Daily Horoscope: October 10, 2024


The first-quarter Moon swings into conjunction with Ceres today. The latter dwarf planet, flying under Capricorn, governs the ways we nurture ourselves and others. This small celestial body typically comes into play during times of great personal or social change. Paired with Ceres’ long-running square with the Sun, this cosmic alignment seems to be leaning toward the former. In the final days of Pluto retrograde, the stars seem to be leaning into feelings of transformation and evolution before this faraway planet’s influence returns outward.

Read your horoscope for the week, and see what the stars have in store for your sign today. 

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Aries: March 21 – April 19

Mars and Chiron form a tense square today under Cancer and your sign, respectively. Cancer is already predisposed to sensitivity, and paired with your assertive ruling planet’s influence, the chances of lashing out or misreading the situation have become higher than usual today. Take time to ensure you understand all sides of the story before you act on it, Aries.

Aries monthly horoscope

Taurus glyphs  weekly horoscope

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

As the first-quarter Moon conjoins with Ceres under Capricorn, the continuing trine between your ruling planet, Venus, and Mars becomes more focused on pursuing relationships or financial endeavors that truly make you happy—not what you believe others should expect you to do. You are the captain of your ship, Taurus. No one can decide to change directions but you.

Taurus monthly horoscope

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Gemini: May 21 – June 20

A harmonious trine between your ruling planet, Mercury, and Jupiter under Libra and Gemini promotes expansive thinking and greater education. This alignment suggests a lesson to be found somewhere in your current situation. But unfortunately, the things we’re meant to learn aren’t always the most obvious. You’ll have to do some digging if you want to find it, Gemini.

Gemini monthly horoscope

Cancer glyph  weekly horoscope

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

The first-quarter Moon’s conjunction with Ceres shifts emotional focus toward nurturing ourselves and others. Under Capricorn’s celestial domain, this combination becomes even more home-centric. Capitalize on this energy while it’s here by taking stock of your most intimate environments. What’s working? Perhaps most importantly, what isn’t? It’s never too late to do a bit of sprucing up, physical or emotional. 

Cancer monthly horoscope

Leo glyph  weekly horoscope

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The Sun is slowly locking into a direct opposition with Chiron retrograde just as it forms a challenging square with a conjunction between Ceres and the first-quarter Moon. Personal affairs are rocky and at the forefront of your mind today, Leo. It’s time to stop running away from this pain out of pride and face it. The sooner you do, the quicker you heal.

Leo monthly horoscope

Virgo glyph  weekly horoscope

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Mercury and Jupiter’s ongoing trine under Libra and Gemini, respectively, are offering a much airier, flexible approach to your typically grounded nature. The positive aspect between these two celestial bodies signals a green light to proceed forward. This might not be the technique you’re used to. Nevertheless, it seems to be the one you need, Virgo.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Libra glyph  weekly horoscope

Libra: September 23 – October 22

As Venus and Mars fly in trine with one another under Scorpio and Cancer and Mercury and Jupiter do the same under your sign and Gemini, your celestial alignments appear to be overwhelmingly positive. You have plenty of good fortune in your forecast, Libra. Trust your instincts, and keep following this path. Clearly, you’re on the right one.

Libra monthly horoscope

Discover what the stars reveal about your future – connect with expert astrologers on Keen.com

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Venus and Mars’ ongoing trine under your sign and Cancer continues to deepen and strengthen your relationships with others and yourself. Lean into this stabilizing energy as much as you can, Scorpio. As someone used to shutting themselves off to the outside world, it’s especially pertinent that you seize the stars’ opportunity to enjoy the power within vulnerability.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Sagittarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Jupiter’s trine with Mercury under Gemini and Libra, respectively, encourages open-minded thinking and clear communication. As convenient as it would be to have everyone read your mind, this simply isn’t how life works, Sagittarius. You have something you want other people to know. You have to be the one to say it. No one else will do it for you.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Capricorn glyph  weekly horoscope

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Today’s conjunction between Ceres and the first-quarter Moon occurs under your sign, causing its effects to hit you harder than other areas of the Zodiac. This potent celestial combination signals personal change and a need to return to basics. Take away the hum-drum of daily life, then ask yourself this question: what do you actually need to feel fulfilled? Start there.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Aquarius glyph  weekly horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

As Venus inches closer toward a direct opposition with your ruling planet, Uranus retrograde, now would be a fantastic time to start planning the next few weeks, months, or even years in regard to love or finances. Luckily, Neptune retrograde’s favorable sextile with Uranus offers imaginative motivation to think outside the box. Things are often more possible than we allow ourselves to believe, Aquarius.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Pisces glyph weekly horoscope

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

The first-quarter Moon and Ceres conjunction forms a favorable sextile with Saturn retrograde, which is currently flying under your sign, today. One of the hardest life lessons to learn is that sometimes, there is no great action we can take to resolve or negate a problem. Sometimes, the problem’s entire purpose is for us to sit with it, absorb it, and grow.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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