Aries, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope


For fiery, bold, and assertive Aries, here’s what you might expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout October 2024.

Fire and water, two opposing elements, dominate your Zodiac sign as your ruling planet, Mars, begins the month under Cancer. While this clashing energy can certainly create strife, it also presents a unique opportunity to find balance and harmony. Mars’ fiery energy can warm the cool sensitivities and insecurities of Cancer. Conversely, Cancer can dampen and even put out Mars’ passionate wildfires before they burn bridges, yourself, or, more likely, both. 

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Chiron and Eris retrograde remain under your sign throughout the month. Chiron encourages us to confront our inner wounds head-on to facilitate the healing process. Meanwhile, Eris retrograde tempts us to partake in positive rebellion. Eris’ headstrong energy will work to prevent rumination and despair while you undergo the arduous task of facing your vulnerabilities to become stronger and more self-aware. 

Communication and progress become challenging on October 6, when Mars forms a square with Mercury. Be wary of making hasty decisions or knee-jerk reactions. Once you speak something into the universe, it’s impossible to bring it back into the realm of the subconscious. Thus, it’s critical you use your words carefully on this day.

Similarly, rushed thinking can taint your perception of the world without uttering a single word. Avoid making assumptions during this time. Either dig deeper to get the information you need, or succumb to the fact that you won’t be able to make a well-rounded decision at this time. Waiting for clarity is difficult. But it’s no less challenging than having to reconcile with the consequences of making our mind up too quickly. 

Matters of the heart, wallet, or both become easygoing—even prosperous—days later when Mars forms a trine with Venus on October 8. During this time, emotional and financial investments are more likely to pay off. This could be the “perfect time” to make that significant purchase you’ve been mulling over for weeks. 

In that same breath, early October will be an ideal time for solidifying and bolstering relationships. But be wary, Aries. With Chiron retrograde still on your shoulders, this strengthening process could be difficult conversations that cauterize old wounds. It will almost certainly hurt, but both parties will come out on the other side more healed than before. 

Whatever past burns you’ve experienced, be they scorned love or lousy financial moves, will likely rise to the surface of your consciousness as Mars squares with Chiron retrograde days later on October 13. Squares’ challenging natures inherently present an opportunity for success and overcoming hurdles. As Chiron reminds us of our past mistakes, Mars’ assertive, passionate nature encourages us to use our experience to help others or our future selves. 

The following day, October 14, Mars joins yet another square—this time, with the ego-driven Sun. Watch out for your pride tempting you to allow others to suffer the same troubles you did simply because you had to go through them. This negative mindset comes from a place of unhealed hurt over perceived injustices toward our well-being. Rest assured, Aries: someone else’s pain won’t make yours go away any quicker.

While the Sun puts your life path at the front of your mind, the cosmos reinforce the theory that the reason you endured your hardships was so that you could help others work through—or altogether avoid—the same pitfalls. Indeed, this might be the “why” you chased after for so long when you were initially hurt. Don’t run away from it now. The positive energy you release by working to break these cycles will find its way back to you one way or another.

October’s full Moon promises to be a celestial heavy-hitter as Autumn’s Super Harvest Moon, amplifying this celestial body’s influence over our emotions and shadow selves. This potent lunar event takes place under your sign on October 17. Journaling or recording your emotions and experiences will become especially helpful as you navigate the complex revelations highlighted by the full Moon. Allow this clarity to embolden you, not frighten you. 

A full Moon under Aries is also liable to bring about greater romance, passion, and intimacy. Aries is a fire-ruled, cardinal sign. When this energy begins to dominate your emotional well-being, you might notice a greater inclination to turn up the heat in your relationships. Allow the flames to grow, but be careful not to lose control of the fire. Positive and negative passion go hand in hand. It’ll be up to you to make sure yours doesn’t fall over into the latter. 

As Uranus retrograde forms a favorable sextile with Mars on October 25, we receive the fabled positives of this planet’s controversial retrograde. While Uranus has a bad reputation for being unduly chaotic and stressful, this chaos and stress can just as easily become beneficial change and increased strength. Prepare for a bit of hard work through the end of the month, and take solace in the fact that the effort will be well worth it. 

Mars receives another dose of feel-good celestial energy when it forms a trine with Neptune retrograde. Utilize your imagination when looking for new ways to focus your time and attention. Daydreaming is no place for societal expectations and schedules. Allow yourself to dream of goals and accomplishments from a place of lofty hopefulness. There will be plenty of time to minimize these ideas into something more tangible—after you explore all the possibilities. 

Neptune retrograde and Mars’ trine might also indicate a positive realization that someone or something is not what they seem. When these elements of your life reveal themselves to you, be sure you’re listening. You must interact with the world as it presents itself, not how you wish it would be. Use your emotions as a guidepost when navigating this unknown. If something feels off to you, then it probably is. At the very least, your gut feelings deserve a second look.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Aries! See you next month.

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