Scorpio Monthly Horoscope



Your move, Scorpio. While others have set their out-of-office email alerts, you’re in master-planner mode, mapping out your goals and strategizing ways to reach them. Why so serious? The Sun is in regal Leo and your tenth house of success and prestige until August 22, pumping up your ambitions along with your sense of urgency. A promotion, leadership post or career-defining role could be yours for the taking with some careful thought, and the next three weeks hold the potential for that tantalizing breakthrough.

With an electrifying August 14 meetup of Mars and Jupiter, plus a potent August 19 Aquarius full moon that brings all the celestial heavy hitters to the negotiating table, the middle of the month could get intense!

You’re in high demand as August opens, but be discerning, Scorpio. Do your best to ensure an investment will pay off before you raise your hand to volunteer. Otherwise you’ll just end up with a ton of work thanklessly dumped in your lap while summer dwindles away. When in doubt, trust your keen intuition. Another reason to pace yourself? Trickster Mercury will be retrograde for most of the month, potentially throwing a detour in your roadmap. More on that in a moment, but suffice to say you should start backing up your data and devices as soon as August begins!

Your ambitious goals receive a cosmic boost on August 4 with the arrival of the year’s only Leo new moon, kicking off an upward six-month cycle. As it activates your professional tenth house, it’s a great time to reflect on your current career status. Is this the path you want to stay on, Scorpio? You may be ready for new challenges, and this lunar lift could point the way over the coming half-year. 

Reach out to mentors and pros in your industry. Magnetic Venus switches signs into progress-driven Virgo and your eleventh house of strategic alliances on August 4 for good measure. Set intentions and take the first step! La luna’s rays can help you plant the seeds for success. But don’t get attached to predetermined outcomes. Your big vision might need some, uh, revision. 

Since love planet Venus features prominently against the backdrop of the new moon, a relationship moment could be in the works for some Scorpios. The tenth house is associated with more than just professional matters. It also governs your public life and purpose. Whether la luna is setting the stage for a prestigious promotion, a social coup or a high-profile love affair to unfold by the Leo full moon on February 12, 2025, things are moving on up!

But warning: There may be some Waze-style route changes over the next month. From August 5 to 28, Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—will turn retrograde. All of these things can get tricky for you now, especially in your professional and social spheres. From August 5 to 14, Mercury will back through Virgo and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology, which could strain group dynamics or throw a curveball into your collaborations. Hold off on any digital launches or bold social media statements now as info-wizard Mercury could cause your message to be misinterpreted.

If you’re wondering when to schedule a review or raise your rates, it’s probably NOT the second half of this month. From August 14 to 28, Mercury will reverse through Leo and your career zone. This could cause everything from server crashes at the office to tension with colleagues and clients. If you’re waiting for job news, there could be delays. Tread lightly in all professional matters for the rest of this month, Scorpio!

Is it time to join forces for a mutual win? Midmonth, you’ll have a chance to explore options (bearing in mind all Mercury retrograde precautions). On August 14, energizer Mars makes an exact conjunction (meetup) with Jupiter the gambler in Gemini. As they unite in your eighth house of intimacy and investments, a bold joint venture could pay dividends! You might exponentially increase your power or join forces with a well-connected VIP. 

Stay alert for “random” events because serendipity could strike. Been meaning to reach out to someone who could open doors for a passion project? Take a chance today! If you’ve felt simmering chemistry with you-know-who, this plucky Mars-Jupiter conjunction could inspire you to throw caution to the wind and let them know how you feel.

Watch for power struggles and hidden information surfacing at the Mars-Jupiter meetup, especially if someone’s not being totally up front with you. At this outspoken moment, things could get confrontational. Emotions will heat up quickly, and you’ll be tempted to say things you could regret. Do your part to keep the peace, Scorpio. Try not to come on too strongly or candidly say things that could be misinterpreted (Mercury is retrograde, may we remind you again). If you sense someone else being shady, be strategic before outing them. Consider how their behavior could make you “guilty by association.” The actions of your inner circle will reflect on you, so surround yourself with a powerful and pristine posse. 

The cosmic spotlight is on your personal life when the year’s only Aquarius full moon beams into your fourth house of home and family on August 19. A domestic matter you’ve been trying to resolve since earlier this year could finally come together. If you’ve been looking to move, or close a real estate sale, these finalizing beams could seal the deal. Just be sure to double-, triple- and quadruple-check those contracts. Consider including a provision that pushes the closing date to September. Flex those negotiation muscles, Scorpio!

Looking to settle an issue with a close relative? Send a voice note and work it out on the remix like pop stars Charli XCX and Lorde on their summer smash “Girl, So Confusing.” Put the egos aside and have an honest conversation. Have your internalized assumptions obscured your ability to see the other party’s perspective? You’ll be able to arrive at a better understanding under la luna’s guiding light.

Alert: This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist. The skies will feature not one but TWO rare T-squares, a three-way conflict between planets that can pull you in polarizing directions! Expect the intensity to rise, and we don’t just mean the political landscape—2024’s Democratic National Convention kicks off the same day, after all! 

The first T-square involves the heavy lifters of the zodiac—antagonistic Mars, optimistic Jupiter, restrictive Saturn (retrograde) and tender Venus playing tug of war in adaptable mutable signs—while the second features the full moon, Mercury retrograde and disruptive Uranus in stubborn fixed signs.

The Jupiter-Saturn-Venus T-square mashup serves aclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” s an inflection point stemming from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020. Many astrologers suggest that the seeds of the Age of Aquarius were planted when Jupiter and Saturn appeared from our vantage on Earth as a single, extra-bright star. Great conjunctions happen every 20 years, which means we’re at the first-quarter mark of this one. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction injected a fresh dose of Aquarian values (community, belonging, and freedom) into your personal fourth house, which has brought changes to your domestic situation or family dynamics. 

The catch? Jupiter and Saturn have opposite agendas: Jupiter wants us to rapidly expand and take leaps of faith; Saturn is measured and cautious. You can feel pushed and pulled in contrasting directions. Since the nostalgic fourth house directs our attention to the past, especially our roots, consider how your family of origin and childhood are still impacting your choices. 

Jupiter in social Gemini and your eighth house of wealth and investments suggests bountiful opportunity while Saturn in passive Pisces and your creative fifth house offers a reality check on your self-expression and ego. With relationship-driven Venus in discerning Virgo and your eleventh house of social networks, aligning yourself with the right collaborators is the name of the game. You’re only as strong as your weakest link now. 

The Aquarius full moon T-square features an opposition between the emotional moon, communicator Mercury (still retrograde) and the dramatic Leo Sun, with changemaker Uranus (in Taurus) wedged in the middle. Talk about a celestial pressure cooker. With all this cosmic action happening in your four “angular” houses (which represent self, home, relationship and career), this seismic shift is bursting at the seams. 

The fixed-sign planetary party could bring on edginess, stress and potentially a breakthrough (or a breakdown) in career matters, significant partnerships and your home life. The full moon illuminates where you might have stubbornly resisted change in the past and could offer a burst of clarity around your true desires. For Scopios who have been doing their inner work, this full moon can bring a significant break from cyclical family patterns. 

Lightness returns on August 22, when the Sun moves into Virgo and your eleventh house of group activity, friendships and networking for a month. Delegate a few of those hefty responsibilities and go mingle with your people. You’ll accomplish more being away from your desk and out in the world talking to people and sharing your idealistic visions. BUT be careful who you share your ideas with, Scorpio. Mercury is still retrograde through August 28, and Venus moves into disarming Libra and your twelfth house of hidden agendas on August 29. Keep those state secrets in the vault!

What are the big-picture goals for your love life? You’re focused on the future this August as Venus and Mars travel through Virgo and Gemini respectively, activating your zones of intimacy and long-term priorities. But who says this exploration has to be heavy? Embrace the spirit of curiosity as you refresh your current relationship desires (in and out of the boudoir). Choose your safe word in advance, then head to the “playground.” Fetishwear optional!

For single Scorpios, a work crush may heat up, or you could click with someone you meet at an industry shindig. Vacation flings may not be eternal flames—especially with Mercury retrograde for most of the month. But they will be hot! Don’t rule out a long-distance connection that could crystallize by September. Bottom line: If you’re going to commit, you need the relationship to offer you stability and grounding. Do you have the same vision for the future? Discuss your ideal scenario, but be open to input. This is a co-creation!

On August 29, Venus slips into Libra and your dreamy twelfth house until September 22. It may be hard to pull you down off romantic cloud nine and onto terra firma, even as everyone else goes into back-to-work mode. In short order, you may slip your “love goggles” on so tightly you can’t seem to remove them. While that mystery and intensity always excite you as a Scorpio, are you pushing things a bit too far past the point of no return? 

For some Scorpios, there could be a separation or heart-healing during this period since Venus in the twelfth house can accelerate endings and transitions. Mourn your loss, shed all necessary tears (and baggage)—but know that by the time the fall equinox arrives, charm magnet Venus will make a once-a-year trip through your sign, reminding you what an incredible catch you are!

While others drift into late-summer vacation plans, you’re in full-power mode until August 22 as the Sun in Leo heats up your tenth house of ambition and success. This annual four-week visit may not be well timed from a social POV, but for making power moves, it’s optimal! Take advantage of a lighter schedule to make headway on an ambitious project that can boost your status or land you a leadership role. 

The August 4 Leo new moon is an especially bright time to plant seeds for a big mission, one that will unfold between now and mid-February 2025. But bear in mind that communication planet Mercury is retrograde from August 5 to 28, reversing through Virgo and your teamwork house until August 14, then lapsing back into Leo for the duration of the retrograde. 

Silver lining: When Mercury turns direct (forward) in Leo from August 28 to September 9, you’ll have a fresh chance to make your mark. And it’s likely to be even better if you take this time to polish up your act, then pounce in September. 

Don’t let a temporary slowdown or setback deter you. A key decision maker may be dragging their heels on a commitment. But since astrologers advise against signing contracts while Mercury’s retrograde, this could be a blessing in disguise. Who knows? Maybe a better offer will pop up. Trust the divine timing and don’t give up.

Meanwhile, energizer Mars is spending the month in Gemini alongside lucky Jupiter. As this duo heats up your eighth house of joint ventures and investments—and makes an exact midmonth meetup—look beyond the paycheck for wealth-building opportunities. This once-every-two-years visit from Mars could get you extra motivated around buying property or making a bold foray into a new market.

Love Days: 20, 24

Money Days: 4, 14

Luck Days: 29, 12

Off Days: 22, 26, 9

See All Signs

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