Virgo Monthly Horoscope



Take a load off, Virgo! It’s time to de-stress and do life at a MUCH slower pace—just in time for your ruling planet, Mercury, to turn retrograde for most of the month. With the Leo Sun basking in your twelfth house of rest, closure and the subconscious until Virgo season commences on August 22, you’re winding down a long solar cycle in preparation for your next birthday. This is your annual time to escape and rejuvenate. Pace yourself and focus on projects that really have to get finished. But whenever you can, spend some delicious hours (or days) OFF the grid. 

Midmonth, the August planetary activity reaches a boiling point that could leave the world feeling topsy-turvy. The skies will feature an electrifying meetup of Mars and Jupiter on August 14 AND celestial heavy hitters Saturn and Uranus entangled in an intense tug of war with the Aquarius full moon shortly thereafter on August 19. If there’s a chapter of your life you’re ready to release, the timing couldn’t be better. Process the emotions around letting go and wrap up lingering pieces of a project that’s ready to be completed. 

Good news: Your imagination is at an all-time high, which could bring richly creative moments and powerful healing. If you’re an avid reader, music lover or movie buff, you’ll get an extra dose of pleasure from whatever fills your head (and heart) now, along with an added ability to revisit old connections or ideas. Keep as much white space in your calendar as possible to follow the muse or do some deep inner work. Although you’re eager to drift into daydreams or slip away for a sweet escape, August’s turbulent cosmic weather could have you circumventing a few planetary obstacles en route to your personal nirvana. 

The month kicks off with the arrival of the Leo new moon on August 4 in your metaphysical twelfth house. A spiritual awakening is on the horizon! What are you ready to create space for in your life? This new moon will open a fresh chapter that unfolds between today and the Leo full moon on February 12, 2025. Surrender struggle and do some work to release a grudge or resentment. If a limiting belief has been holding you back, address it head-on so you can heal. It’s a perfect window to begin a spiritual practice, like yoga or meditation, or to cultivate an artistic talent.

With Venus moving into YOUR sign the same day as the new moon, love could be top of mind. Envision the relationship you want, but don’t get too attached to particular outcomes or checklists. You could arrive at a clearer set of preferences after September 9, when Mercury re-enters Virgo after its retrograde cycle this month.

From August 5 to 28, communicator Mercury will turn retrograde, scrambling signals with technology, travel and all your interactions; Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow period began on July 16 and served up a historical “blue screen of death” disruption as Crowdstrikes’ global IT outage affected flights, banks, and media outlets worldwide—yikes! Back up your data and devices, triple-check reservations and watch what you put in writing. Prepare for misunderstandings and delays. The silver lining? Retrogrades are ideal for revising, reflecting and slowing down. 

The messenger planet will start its backspin through YOUR sign from August 5 to 14 before reversing through Leo and your foggy twelfth house from August 14 to 28 (staying in Leo until September 9). Hold off on making any big launches or public announcements because your words and intentions could be easily misconstrued. While Mercury is in perfectionistic Virgo, avoid any radical transformations to your appearance and use a light touch with the “post now” buttons on social media. Work behind the scenes on a personal passion project—then plan your debut for early September. 

The second half of August could evoke nostalgia. But is that trip down memory lane a good idea? With the planet of communication and clarity awry in your foggy twelfth house, this could be a time of confusion. Slow down and do your research before jumping to any conclusions. A powered-down Mercury might leave you tired and in need of mental rest! Instead of spinning your wheels trying to analyze a situation, shift your focus to creativity, pleasure and other right-brained activities. Troubling situations can miraculously resolve themselves when we stop trying to micromanage them. 

On a deeper level, Mercury’s backspin through your subconscious twelfth house could have you re-evaluating your “main character energy” status. What lingering fears and insecurities are holding you back from allowing your natural star power and expression to shine? On a positive note, Mercury’s retrograde could also unearth an ability to see messages that were formerly hidden and secret enemies hiding in plain sight. Who’s REALLY on Team Virgo and who’s inadvertently chipping away at your innate confidence? With Mercury’s guidance, you’ll be better equipped to arrive at a perspective that can set you free from tyrannical thoughts or clutches.

August 14 is extra auspicious for making a daring and confident move. Two heavenly heavyweights, Mars and Jupiter, meet up in Gemini, sprinkling pixie dust on everything you touch. With these two forces of nature synced up in your career zone, a bold risk will pay off. Cold-pitch a client, reach out to the HR director of a big firm, send a blast email to your industry connections letting them know you’re available or have a limited-time new offer they won’t want to miss. Throw your hat in the ring for a position or promotion that could bring public recognition. A workplace attraction could heat up, or you could meet someone while networking or traveling for business. Couples should set some shared bucket-list goals today and get busy turning those into reality: This is no time to be “all talk, no action”! 

Don your master planner’s chapeau on August 19, though, when the annual Aquarius full moon lands in your orderly and health-conscious sixth house. As the natural ruler of this zodiac zone, you’ll make a brief return to your (micro)managerial ways today. But that’s not a bad thing! Adding a little left-brain polish to your life right now couldn’t hurt. If you’ve been on a hedonistic bender, la luna could lure you back onto the wellness wagon. 

You don’t have to go into deprivation mode here. Just implement a few simple grounding routines—meditation, a green and clean diet, regular bedtimes—to help you feel centered wherever you are. The sixth house also governs service and helpful people. At this full moon, your mind could be on ways to contribute to your community or on more practical matters, such as delegating drudge work to capable providers instead of doing it all yourself! 

Caution: This is no ordinary full moon! On August 19, the skies will feature not one but TWO rare T-squares, a three-way conflict between planets that can pull you in polarizing directions! Expect temperatures to rise, and we don’t just mean the political landscape—2024’s Democratic National Convention kicks off the same day, after all. 

The first T-square involves the heavy lifters of the zodiac—antagonistic Mars, expansive Jupiter, restrictive Saturn (retrograde) and harmonious Venus playing tug of war in adaptable mutable signs—while the second features the full moon, Mercury retrograde and volatile Uranus in stubborn fixed signs.

The Jupiter-Saturn-Venus T-square mashup serves aclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” s an inflection point stemming from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020. Many astrologers suggest that the seeds of the Age of Aquarius were planted when Jupiter and Saturn appeared from our vantage on Earth as a single, extra-bright star. Great conjunctions happen every 20 years, which means we’re at the first-quarter mark of this one. This Jupiter-Saturn conjunction injected a fresh dose of Aquarian values (community, belonging, and freedom) into your routine-driven sixth house then. Now, a progress report comes in.

The tricky part? Jupiter and Saturn have opposite agendas. Adventurous Jupiter wants us to rapidly expand and take leaps of faith; Saturn is measured and cautious. It can feel like you’re simultaneously flooring the gas pedal while hitting the brakes, leaving you in a state of cosmic whiplash.

Jupiter in Gemini and your status-driven tenth house suggests prominence and opportunity while Saturn in passive Pisces and your seventh house of trust and relationships offers a reality check on your existing arrangements and boundaries. Could a major commitment or promotion be on the horizon? With harmonious Venus in discerning Virgo and your self-focused first house, aligning yourself with the right collaborations and partnerships is the name of the game. Have you gotten too comfortable playing second fiddle to everyone else, leaving little time for your own to-do list? Look at where you’re holding on out of insecurity or harboring a deep-rooted fear of being seen. 

And then, there’s the fixed T-square happening simultaneously. The Aquarius full moon traffic jam features an opposition between the emotional moon, communicator Mercury (still retrograde) and the dramatic Leo Sun, with changemaker Uranus (in Taurus) wedged in the middle. Talk about a celestial pressure cooker. This could bring on edginess, stress and potentially a breakthrough (or a breakdown) in existing relationships or career pathways. The full moon illuminates where you might have stubbornly resisted change in the past and could offer a burst of clarity around your current routines and unbalanced relationships. How can you better set yourself up for success? Some heavy-duty purging and prioritizing might be in order before you can really fly.

When August 22 rolls around, the Sun begins its monthlong visit to Virgo, waking you up and getting you ready for action. You’ll be a walking magnet of attention as el Sol makes its way through your first house of self and identity. Careful to not get too cocky, Virgo! With Mercury still retrograde through August 28, your sharp tongue could land yourself in some contentious and misunderstood waters. Take the time to clarify your mission and set intentions for the upcoming year instead. 

Though you may be raring to kickstart a new regimen, use the last week of August to set yourselclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” f up for success—whether that’s revisiting your fitness goals or figuring out your I*AM success archetype with our new book (shameless plug for The Astrology Advantage debut this week!). Once Mercury retrograde ends, the cosmic confusion gives way to more clarity—and a cosmically charged September.

Should you tighten your grip or loosen up and let romance follow its own flowy course? In August, the answer is: both. Sultry Mars is hanging out in Gemini and your commanding tenth house all month. You want what you want and you’re willing to work hard for it! Trouble is, the same strategies that send you soaring up the ladder at work could sink your metaphoric love boat.

Ease up on the heavy-handed approach. With the Leo Sun hibernating in your twelfth house of surrender and illusions until August 22, you’re deep in the emotional labyrinth. It’s too easy to misread cues and clues—or lose sight of boundaries in the heat of a flirtatious back-and-forth or spicy sexting exchange. 

Try to be patient because on August 4, Venus moves into discerning Virgo for her annual procession through your sign through August 29. A new bombshell has entered the villa, as they say on Love Island. Not only will you feel your most magnetic, but your tolerance for bad behavior evaporates into thin air. Don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly ready to let go of situations that bring you more pain than joy. That doesn’t necessarily mean breaking up, Virgo, but you could set some clear limits—and possibly an ultimatum—about what you’ll tolerate. 

Cosmic alert: Mercury is retrograde for most of the month, with the first leg of the retrograde happening in YOUR sign from August 5 to 14. Watch that acerbic tongue for a playful joke that inadvertently packs a hurtful punch! Mercury’s backspin could leave you hesitant to reach out or overthinking your word choice. Should you make the first move, or should they? How many texts should you exchange before a first date?! (We can feel your anxiety picking up, Virgo). 

Serious relationships can grow more committed this month too, especially once Venus heads into partnership-oriented Libra and your stabilizing second house on August 29. How can you keep the vibes going for the long run but at a pace that doesn’t burn through your cash or your adrenaline reserves? 

Don’t confuse “serious” with “boring,” though. Keep the playful energy flowing—especially with Venus immediately pinging transformative Pluto in innovative Aquarius and your routine-driven sixth house. Balance those fancy date-night dinners by making room in your schedule for some quality “us” time. Whether you’re attempting a new recipe together, taking scenic evening walks with the dog or setting a new fitness goal as a couple, you’re equipped to turn ordinary moments into something special and long-lasting.

Pace yourself, Virgo. The Sun has slipped into Leo and your twelfth house of rest for the first three weeks of the month, turning your focus away from your worldly obligations and toward doing vital inner work. Spend time in solitude and quiet contemplation, getting back in touch with your true desires. Or duck behind the scenes to finish up any lingering projects that can’t be put off any longer. The twelfth house rules completions, so you’ll be happy to get it all done before Virgo season begins on August 22.

But don’t expect the month to remain in siesta mode! Mercury, the planet of communication and news, will be retrograde for most of August (we’re still recovering from Crowdstrike’s outage that took place during Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow period that began July 16). August 14 will also feature a galvanizing meetup of Mars and Jupiter in fast-moving Gemini and your tenth house of career while planetary bigwigs Saturn, Jupiter AND Uranus are involved in two tense face-offs illuminated by the Aquarius full moon on August 19. 

A huge career opportunity to share your novel ideas on a global level could arise, possibly out of the blue. This is the breakthrough moment you’ve been eagerly awaiting. Are you ready to leave your imposter syndrome at the door? (Just say “yes” and walk through, Virgo!)

With the full moon in your sixth house of organization and employees, a new hire or a necessary firing could be on the agenda this August 19. It’s also a perfect day for a decluttering and organizing rampage. You never met a color-coded spreadsheet you didn’t love, so put your consummate planning powers to use! With beautifying Venus in Virgo from August 4 to 29, you’ll systematize with style.

Once the Sun swings into Virgo and your fresh-start first house on August 22, you’ll be ready for the vibrant possibilities that are headed your way. Are you a contender for a new role? Research salaries in your field and start your negotiations from the top of that range. Use the last innings of Mercury’s retrograde through August 28 (and the post-retrograde shadow period ending September 11) to fine-tune your proposal. By the time September rolls around, you’ll be in a more confident and clear-headed position to state your case.

Love Days: 16, 20

Money Days: 26, 9

Luck Days: 24, 6

Off Days: 22, 4, 18 

See All Signs

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